Chapter 17: A Surprise Guests and a Unmatchable Party

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Todd Chrisley was checking his phone. Julie was distracting Grayson, the young boy had no idea that Catherine Michaels was coming to his party. No one knew that Finn Balor would be there, nor did they know Davina Michaels would be there as well. "Mama, did Cat's card ever come in?", Julia looked at Grayson, "She sent a message the other night saying she had to send it from out of the country so it might be here a bit late and she apologizes.", Grayson nodded and went back to playing when Todd's phone chimed, "Daddy, get off your phone.", Todd glared at Chase who smirked, "Is that the surprise?", Todd nodded, "She's here and she needs some extra hands.", Chase nodded and so did Savannah. They walked outside and smiled, the two young adults hugging their friend, "Cat.", she smiled, "Chase, Savannah. You both are so charming and pleasing to the eye. Damn your genes.", the three laughed and she opened the hatch as another car pulled up, "That will be Fergel and Vina.", Savannah farrowed her eyebrows and the two people that completed Catherine's little family exited the car, "Cat!", Todd hurried out, "Is this the guy?", she nodded and Todd glared, "You hurt my little Catherine Michaels and I will hang you by your balls, understood.", Finn nodded and Todd smiled, "Todd Chrisley, this is my son Chase and my daughter Savannah.", Catherine pulled out seven little bags and a briefcase. Todd's eyes widening, "What is that?", Cat turned, "Well, I have stuff for Chloe, Savannah, Julie, you, and Chase from traveling. Grayson as well, and a few gifts from some of the others who couldn't make it and my present.", Cat handed Savannah her bag, Chase his, Todd his and Chloe's, Savannah got to hold Julie's, and Finn was giving the two for Grayson and Savannah held the briefcase and Davina on her back, who was holding her purse. The group walking in.

Grayson farrowed his eyebrows as the door chimed to alert guests, "Mama, who's here? Everyone- Cat!", she bent down and set the briefcase down as the blonde boy ran toward her and she caught him in a hug, "Grayson. Woah, you've grown. You can totally take Cena now.", he smiled and flexed and she laughed as she stood up, Finn taking the two bags and briefcase to the present table and Cat turned, pulling Davina beside her, "Grayson, this is Davina. Davina, this is Grayson.", the two smiled at each other and shook hands, "Go play for a bit until it's cake time. But you guys have to promise not to tell Vince about me eating cake.", they nodded and she smiled as they ran off to play. She stood up and smiled at the family in front of her as Finn joined her side. "Fergel, this is Todd Chrisley, his wife Julie, their granddaughter Chloe, and you've met Savannah and Chase already. You'll have to meet Grayson formally after he's calmed down a bit.", he smiled and shook their hands, the group going into conversation, "Nanny Faye! My party buddy!", Todd's mom walked over and smiled and Cat hugged her. Lindsey, her son, and her husband walking over. Finn was introduced to everyone that mattered in Todd's opinion, which was just the Chrisley clan. Catherine glanced around and Julie opened her bag, "Oh my God. You didn't.", Catherine smiled and nodded as Julie held up a bag she and Catherine had been talking about for the last few months. "Yes I did.", Todd rolled his eyes, "Don't go spoiling her, you're making me look bad.", Catherine laughed and the group smiled. She was okay. Savannah opened her bag and gasped, running over to Cat and hugging her, "Thank you so much.", Savannah held up the beautiful dress and heels and Cat winked, "Hey, stay classy not trashy.", Todd nodded, "You've got that right.", Chase opened his bag and raised an eyebrow at the box, "What? No.", she nodded and he smiled, "Catherine, you are such an angel.", she laughed and they hugged. Todd raised an eyebrow as Chase held up a key, "Cat.", she shrugged her shoulders, "It was an investment and I need someone to watch it when I'm unable to. But I do have a rule enforcer. You break them you're back with your parents.", Todd sighed, "Oh no.", she giggled and Todd opened his bag and he sighed, his eyes tearing up a bit, Cat smiled and Todd hugged her. She smiled and looked at Todd, "Is it okay?", he nodded, "Perfect.", he held up a key and a letter, "It's a key to a condo in London so we don't have to stay in a hotel.", she winked and Chloe walked over, Cat picked her up and held the bag, "This is for you Chloe.", Chloe opened the bag and gave a smile and a cheer. Inside her bag was a giant stuffed animal wearing one of Cat's shirts and it sang to her. It sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and it also would say Bible verses and I love you Chloe, goodnight in Cat's voice. Chloe hugged it and Grayson walked over. "What is going on over here?", Cat bent down and Finn handed her the two bags, "Well, I always bring you all a gift when I visit. But since it's your birthday you get a special gift. She handed him the smaller bag and inside was 10 tickets to WrestleMania and the plane tickets and hotel confirmation number. He hugged her and she smiled, "I'm not done yet.", she handed him the other bag and inside was one of her shirts, a Finn shirt, a John Cena shirt, a Shane McMahon jersey, an Alexa Bliss shirt, a Seth Rollins shirt, a Roman Reigns shirt, and the newest WWE encyclopedia and ticket for the 2k18 deluxe game. He cheered and she smiled before looking up, "Oh my God. It's Finn Balor.", Finn chuckled and knelt down beside Catherine, "Hey laddie.", Grayson was wide eyed and Catherine giggled, "Grayson, breath. This is Fergel Devitt, my boyfriend.", he nodded and then glared, "Hurt her and I'll best you up. I was trained by the best, don't think I can't do it.", Catherine laughed and Finn smiled, "I wouldn't doubt it. You look like a Scrappy fighting machine.", Grayson nodded, "You're not wrong.", Cat smiled and she glanced at the briefcase, "Let's see, do we want to eat cake first or presents first. I think we should eat cake so then that way we can all play after you open your presents and we've had time to digest cake.", Grayson nodded and she looked at Todd as Grayson ran off to tell his friends that it was time for cake, "When we get back to your house there's going to be a few inflatable things. A giant slide, a bounce house, a wrestling ring, a little walk through house. Just a bit.", Todd nodded and she smiled as she went to help Julie hand out cake. Todd looked at Finn, "I'm serious, if you hurt her-", Finn nodded, "If I hurt Catherine, I'm dead. Trust me, I know. Between friends, fans, and family anyone who would knowingly hurt Cat is psycho. Not just because of the reprocessions but because she is such an amazing person.", Todd nodded, "Ya damn right.", everyone was eating cake and soon it was time for presents, Car swiped the case from the table and hit it behind her and Todd, "This one should probably go last.", Todd raised and eyebrow and she smiled sweetly. The family made comments and soon it was the last gift, Cat's. She walked forward and handed it to Grayson, he farrowed his eyebrows and opened the case, giving a scream. "Oh my God! It's, it's. Mama! Look at this!", she chuckled and she helped Grayson take it out of the case and he put it on his shoulder, she knelt down, "Chrisley family and my family get over here.", they all rushed over and she positioned them in front of a wall, and she smirked as she seen a familiar red and blue clad man walk in the backdoor. They all posed for a picture and Todd and Cat had given their phones for pictures as well, "This is so neat! Mama, it has Randy and Finn and Cat and Alexa and Bailey and-", John ran out as Cat played his entrance and he gave a scream and Grayson yelled, "It's John Cena!", Cat laughed and Grayson was jumping up and down and she smiled as Davina walked over and smiled, "Mom, look. It's Uncle John. I thought I seen him at the hotel.", Cat laughed and Todd shook his head, "Now every birth is going to suck in comparison to this one.", she laughed as the party was dying down and they family all went to the Chrisley house to play with all the things Cat had rented for them. Davina glanced up, "Is my birthday going to be this crazy?", Cat shrugged, "Probably, especially if Matt and Jeff show up.", the two chuckled and hugged, Grayson running over and grabbing Davina from Catherine so she could play, her phone chiming and she smiled, walking over to Finn. She was happy that he and Todd were bonding, "I got a great deal on a bus and driver. When we head out next Davina can join us.", Finn smiled, "She's going to be so excited.", Cat nodded, "And with her passport in, she can travel with us around the globe, if she keeps her grades up.", the two hugged and Todd took a picture. His dear friend was seriously happy and he didn't get the vibes from Finn Balor that he got from the other two guys. He could tell from the way Finn spoke of her and the way the man looked at her and listened to her that he was in love with her and he adored her. Todd smiled at the thought and Savannah walked over, "You and Cat have to sing together! Come on!", Todd and Cat glanced at each other and shrugged. Grabbing two microphones and singing together, then Chase and Cat messed around, and so did she and Savannah, and Cat even sang with Grayson and Chloe. She was completely happy here and Finn was happy as well. Her happiness was his happiness, and Julie noticed. She smiled and Todd did as well.

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