31: Things Have Changed

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The couple were in their shared locker room. Catherine fixed her gear and smiled as she pulled her hair into a high pony tail and used a comb to smooth it out. She smiled and looked at Finn, "I'm going to go to makeup. I'll meet you in catering.", Finn nodded and Catherine kissed his cheek before she left the room and made her way to hair and makeup. She smiled as she walked into hair and makeup, "Just some natural glam ladies.", she was sat down in a chair and she got her makeup done quickly. She loved her job and she was blessed to have lasted this long in the ever changing company that is the WWE. She twisted and popped her back and smiled as she did so. When she got the all clear and she agreed that it was fabulous she went back to her locker room. She wouldn't admit it but she was worried. Bray could do anything to her or Finn, even though he was gone. That's why the two were sticking together tonight. He'd accompany her to her match and she's accompany him to his match. Her match was first and it was against Bayley, just a fun little match. Well, kind of. Paige, Sonya, and Mandy were suppose to invade the match but Catherine hated losing by disqualification so, she had a plan. She smirked and turned, going to Stephanie and Kurt. "I have an idea.", Stephanie and Kurt raised an eyebrow and she smiled. "We all know I hate losing by causes I have no control over. How about a tag team match? Bayley and I vs Sonya and Mandy. Paige can be ring side and Alexa can come down. Three women in each corner, Mandy and Sonya get their in ring debuts, and there's more interest in the women's division.", Stephanie and Kurt looked at each other and nodded, "Alright.", and Steph quickly changed the card on the prompt but not for the three women, she wanted their reactions to be real. Sonya and Mandy weren't expecting a debut tonight and they certainly weren't expecting a debut against Catherine Michaels. Catherine twisted and popped her back with a smile, "Alright. I'll go find Alexa.", and she went out. She sent Alexa a text and went back to her locker room, she needed to stretch, pray, and warm up. Finn looked at her and noticed the gleam in her eye, "What'd you do, love?", she smiled, "There's a women's tag match tonight.", Finn chuckled and Catherine winked as she and Finn prayed and then they started stretching and warming up. Alexa barged in, "You didn't!?", Catherine nodded, "Oh, I did.", Alexa laughed, "Those girls will have no clue on what hit them.", Catherine chuckled and stood up from one of her stretches, "I'm going to go to the gorilla. You need to be near by. You know, you might even bring Nia with you.", and Catherine left. Finn chuckled and Alexa smiled, "So, the wedding?", Finn laughed, "That's a question for Cat, Lexa.", Alexa pouted and left the room.

It was the middle of Cat and Bayley's, Catherine was down from a Bayley-to-Belly and she had kicked out, Bayley was getting fired up and doing her thing as Catherine rolled over and Paige's entrance rang throughout the arena. Bayley looked up and Catherine stared at the ramp. Catherine stood up as the three women circled the ring, she wasn't leaving. Catherine rolled her shoulder and smirked, "Come on ladies.", and the three women entered the ring. Catherine quickly took down Mandy with a strong clothesline and she kicked Sonya in the back of the legs and then the side and head. Sonya backed up and she stood by Mandy. Catherine flicked and eyebrow up as Bayley slammed down both of them and Catherine turned, only to block a hit from Paige. She raised an eyebrow and Paige's eyes widened. Catherine shoved her hard against the ropes and Paige was hit with a superkick and as she staggered, she got speared. Catherine turned and started beating on Mandy as Paige laid outside the ring. Kurt's music hit and Catherine stepped back from a downed Mandy as Bayley delivered a Bayley-to-Belly to Sonya. "Hey! Enough! This is not how we opened Monday Night Raw, ladies.", Catherine turned and gave a shrug, "No, we open Monday Night Raw with a bang. So, Sonya and Mandy Rose with be in a tag match against Bayley and Catherine.", Alexa's music played and she came down the ramp, "What are you doing?", Alexa turned as Sasha's music played, then Nia's, and then Mickie's, "The girls just want to see these two in action, I mean. They did ambush the majority of us last week.", the women came down ring side and took a seat or stood by the barricades. "Alright, but not interfering. Anyone.", Mandy, Sonya, and Paige shared a look but the two women went to their corner and started talking as Bayley and Catherine smiled, going to their corner. Catherine was going to let Bayley start. Alexa stood by Catherine and Catherine glanced down, "So, when's the wedding?", Catherine's laugh filled the Arena and Nia smiled. Sasha and Mickie chuckled and Paige hid a smile as Mandy and Sonya hid their laughs.

The match was going good, Mandy had tagged in Sonya and Bayley backed up slightly, she held her hand up behind her head and Catherine slapped her hand, the sound echoing. The crowd was pumped and Finn was sitting, anxious. Corey chuckled and covered the mic as he told Finn that Catherine would be alright. Catherine and Sonya locked up in the middle, but they were a even match. Catherine smirked and she kicked Sonya in the back of the legs, making the woman unsteady, Catherine Irish whipped the woman into a corner and gave a small yell before she hid her back handspring corner attack. She slammed into Sonya and walked away from her body with her hand in the air and a smile. She turned and looked at Sonya, she rolled her shoulders and jumped around a bit before she did her pointing taunt. She stuck her tongue out and slammed Sonya into the corner again with a drop kick. She stood up and skipped around. She rocked on her heels and raised an eyebrow. Sonya was getting up, but she was unsteady. Paige went to warn Sonya to stay down but Catherine changed her move. Sonya stumbled forward and Catherine caught the woman, hitting her with a dirty deeds. She laughed and moved around. She flipped the girl onto her back and climbed the turn buckle as Nia ran to stand behind her, preventing Paige from doing anything. Bayley ran across the ring and kicked Mandy from the apron and Catherine stood up on the top rope, she raised her hands and did a five-star splash, but she didn't pin. She skipped around before stomping Sonya. She laughed and stood Sonya up, she backed away and bit but went back forward and smirked as she hit an RKO. Then she covered Sonya and got the win. Bayley and Catherine slid from the ring as Paige and Mandy went to their friend and Catherine was handed an microphone, "You've been gone for a while, Paige, things have changed. This isn't your house anymore and you can't bully your way to the top. Well to my Kingdom, Paige.", the women left the area and Catherine went to the commentary table, giving Finn a soft kiss. He smiled at her and she smiled back, she grabbed his hand and the two went backstage as a trainer went down to get Sonya. Stephanie looked at the girl and Catherine raised an eyebrow. "Well, you certainly got the crowd excited.", Catherine laughed and Stephanie chuckled as Kurt shook his head. The couple left the gorilla and went to catering. Dean ran over and hugged her, she laughed and hugged him back. "Damn, Kit-Kat. An RKO, a Five-Star Splash, a Dirty Deeds. A spear. What else you got in that arsenal of yours?", she titled her head and smiled, "Wouldn't you like to know, Ro. You know the moves we aren't suppose to used because we weren't trained to use them?", the three nodded, "I can use them.", and she walked away. Dean chuckled and Finn nodded, "Yeah, when we were at home I wasn't paying attention and she hit me with a backpack stunner, it was the bed and it wasn't hard but damn. She's quick and strong.", Roman and Seth laughed, "Why were you not paying attention?", Finn chuckled, "I don't know, but I learned my lesson. She will do random moves at the house all the time. She RKO'd me into the pool.", Seth laughed, "Oh, it gets worse. You guys will all need to come chill sometime. She gets nuts at home. Like not in a weird way. But like, she's a kid at home.", Roman nodded, "So, does she Superman punch?", Catherine had creeped up again and she was right behind Roman, "Do you want to find out?", the four men jumped, "Jesus Christ!", she giggled, "Nope, just Catherine Michaels, sorry to disappoint. You aren't dead yet, boys.", Finn grabbed her and spun her around and she giggled. People smiled at the pair and Dean was smiling. Catherine was herself again. "Catherine!", she rolled her lips and jumped into a crate, she pulled Seth with her and he sat down on the crate as she closed herself inside. Bayley showed up, covered in glitter and the boys held in their laughs. "What happened?", Sasha walked up with a smile, "Catherine did. So, where'd she go?", Finn raised an eyebrow, "You might check under the desk at the gorilla, Stephanie's office, with Renee, or with Noam.", Bayley nodded and Sasha went after her friend, Alexa and Nia walking over, Nia playfully shoved Seth off the crate and Alexa opened it as Nia picked up Catherine, who wrapped herself around her friend with a smile. The group laughed and the three women walked away.

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