Chapter 11: A Surprise Return

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Catherine stood backstage in a pair of jean shorts, a tank top and a flannel, and her dark brown cowboy boots on. Her hair was curled and her makeup very natural. She paced around and Baron walked over, "Little Cat.", she sighed and hugged him, "Lone Wolf, I've missed you.", he smiled, "And I you.", she smiled and glanced down, "Hey, everything will be okay.", she smiled and nodded, listening to the monitor. "We have just been informed there is a surprise guest tonight.", it was Tom talking and Corey raised an eyebrow, "How interesting, I haven't seen anyone unusual backstage.", Brayon shrugged, "It can't be that exciting I'm sure.", Cat rolled her eyes as the lights turned off. She took a deep breath and Baron watched her go. It was silent, "What is this?", the fans were confused as an unfamiliar theme song filled the arena, but a familiar person stood at the top of the ramp and her voice being recognized over the speakers as her voice filled the air. The lights turned on and the girl smiled, the crowd erupting into cheers. It was Catherine Michaels. She smiled and walked down the ramp, giving high fives and hugs down the ramp. She smiled as she climbed up onto the apron and stepped through the ropes. She took in the cheers with a smile before she giggled and it filled the arena, "My, I've missed you all.", they cheered and she smiled before glancing down and taking a deep breath, "I am not here to announce a return to the Blue team, nor am I here to announce anything bad. I simply wish to speak with you all, in person.", they all grew quiet and she smiled, "Thank you.", she walked around and Dolph and Randy stood backstage. "As you all know, Dolph Ziggler and I divorced.", the crowd began booing and she frowned, "Please don't. This world is filled with such hate and meanness that I wish for you all to not hate him. I don't.", they all grew quiet, "I have forgiven him and I have even apologized to him because I was not entirely in the right. I ran from the situation and turned to a dangerous substance to fight my pain. And for that, I apologize to you all because I was a very bad role model and example.", the crowd sat and listened to her, she took a shaky breath and let it out, glancing up. "I must also say thank you for your support and concern. Without you all, I am nothing.", she took a few steps, "I learned in my absence from the ring and from the over profiled life I live that holding grudges and being bitter and full of hate is so tiring and draining. We never know when our last day on this Earth is, do we really wish to die full of hate and anger? I know and I don't and I also know that I am at fault for some of the things that have happened to me. That is why, I have written a book, a journal really, about my life and thoughts and feelings from the last 2 years. It is in editing and once I am able, I will release the title and date of purchase. I will mention now, this journal is not edited. After everything, once I returned and was well enough, I was encouraged to go get help. I did, I began going to a therapist and I am not ashamed and I am thankful. Speaking to someone that doesn't know my entire life is a relief, though we have a great relationship now and my therapist knows alot about me. If not for my therapist, this book would not exist. This journal is filled with my personal thoughts and handwriting from the last 6 months of my life but it deals with the last 2 years of it.", she walked around a bit more and sat in the middle of the ring, "And I am hoping and praying that my story with reach the hands and heart of someone who really needs it. I have added tips, numbers, websites, and activities for getting better after everything I have gone through.", she blinked before sighing, "And I most also apologize because I had lost myself and after my break and soul cleansing, faith building, life changing break I am back to my roots and happier than ever. And yes, that song is sung by me, and yes, I wrote it. I have an album coming out soon that has songs of mine on it. It was a release for my feelings that was healthy and protective. I don't ever want to turn to alcohol ever again to block feelings.", she cleared her throat and glanced down, "So without further rambling. I forgave Dolph Ziggler for what he has done, and I even apologized for what I have done. And I ask you all to forgive him and myself as well. No, we are not getting back together. It isn't for the best. I simply wanted to come and talk, and I thank you all for letting me do so.", She moved and stood up, "Without further interruption, the next match can begin.", she rolled from the ring and smiling, hugging fans and even the announcers before walking back up the ramp and into the gorilla. Everyone looking at her and clapping, she smiled and brushed a piece of hair behind her ear, glancing down with a blush. Sami walked forward and hugged her, "I am so proud of you.", and soon the others told her the same and hugged her as well. A few of them kissing her cheek or forehead, she glanced at Dolph and he gave her a smile before he hugged her and pulled away before she could respond. He didn't want to hurt her further. She sent him a soft smile before Baron hugged her and so did Lana, Becky, and Charlotte. Catherine Michaels had returned to her natural self, and everyone was happy and proud of her. Noam Dar rushing through the crowd, "Cat!", she spun, "Noam!", the two hugged and he spun her around, she giggled and he kissed her cheek, "Catherine Michaels, I am proud to have you as a friend.", she smiled and glanced down with a blush, everyone smiling. Catherine wasn't used to having all the attention at once and they knew it, "Come on you guys, we have a show to complete.", they all laughed and she smiled and Noam hugged her once more before her, Baron, Sami, Kevin, Becky, Charlotte, Carmella, Ellsworth, Naomi, and the Usos walked away. Randy, Aj, Shane, and Daniel watching. The four men letting out breaths of relief. Catherine was okay.

The entirety of the Raw team had watched Catherine's segment and they all smiled. She was okay. Finn stood in the back and glanced down, Seth noticing and walking over, "Call her man.", Finn sighed and Stephanie noticed the two, she made her way over, "Hey, what's wrong?", Finn glanced down before pulling out his phone and showing Stephanie the message Catherine had sent him hours ago. She sighed, "Fergel, I'm so sorry.", she handed back his phone and he shook his head, "Don't be, I deserve it. Never had Catherine forced me to stay, in fact, it was the opposite. She knew I had a life before all of this and I gave it up to be with her and then it blew up all because of other people's concerns. She's only doing what she thinks is best for the both of us. Even if it's the complete opposite.", Stephanie looked at Hunter and gave him a look. Had he been the cause of this? Stephanie placed a hand on his shoulder, "Catherine will come to her senses, and if she doesn't, make her.", Finn gave a look of confusion as his boss walked away and Seth glanced down, "What she means to say is, if she doesn't make the first move. You make it. Give her time of course, she might come to the conclusion you want her to on her own, but if not help her. Make the first step, man. Catherine is an amazing person inside and out. She's a great catch, man. Don't let her get away.", Finn nodded and looked at his phone.

I'm updating because my Geology homework made me mad and I needed to chill. Writing helps me chill and I decided to post it because if it makes you guys smile I want to know so I can smile. Thanks. Love you lots.

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