30: A Plan

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The last three days were filled with memories. On the second day they went to Disney, and on the last day they went on trail rides around the house. Catherine was packing for herself and Finn, glancing at the little suitcase in the closet. Shawn had shown up, the two adults would he flying out at midnight to get to the house show location. "What's on your mind, Clementine?", she sighed an sat down on her bed. "Dad, I can't being Davina with until I can make sure she isn't in danger. I have a hand to feed the horses and walk them. They work with the dogs too. Dad, take Davina home with you. Please. Take her on a little adventure. Just make sure she does her schoolwork, alright?", Shawn nodded and she grabbed Davina's bag and started packing it with clothes from the laundry. "She can get her things in the morning that she really wants to take with. This thing already has her travel toothbrush, passport, and ID card in it. Those are in the little tag. Um.", she sighed and sat back down, "You okay?", she nodded, "Stressed, worried. Um, Dolph got caught the other night with whiskey and vodka. Nattie took it and she put Bobby in his room. Dad, I don't want to hurt anyone. I never want to hurt anyone. Is this, am I?", Shawn sat down and she rested her head on her shoulder, "Kit-Kat, tell me. What do you feel for Finn?", Catherine smiled at his name, "Dad, I love him. With all of my heart. I want him to be the one I grow old with, I want him to be the one I share victories and celebrations with. I want him to be the one to give me kids. Dad, I love him with all of my heart and my soul. I love him like I've never loved anyone before.", Shawn smiled, "Then you aren't hurting anyone. I know you Cat, some part of you will always love and care for Dolph. There's nothing wrong with that, but Cat, you can't let the past hold you back from a beautiful future. Cat, you're living again. You're breathing again. You're happier with Finn Balor and Davina in your life then I've ever seen you before.", she smiled, "You're happier than when you were with Dolph, you're happier than when you were with Neville, you're happier than when you were with Corey, and you're definitely happier than you were when you were with Chris.", Catherine laughed, "You know Chris doesn't count. That was to make you mad.", Shawn chuckled and rested his head on top of hers. "I know, I just wanted to hear you laugh. Listen, if you're happy than don't let the past take it away. Catherine, you guys don't have to be married in 7 months, you don't have to be married in 3 months. You can get married when you feel like it. He isn't leaving you. You get married when you feel like it's right to get married.", she softly smiled, "Thanks Dad.", he smiled and kissed her head, "Anytime. So, get to packing. You have 4 hours until you have to be at the airport.", she laughed and Shawn left the room, he saw Finn leant against the wall. Shawn nodded at Finn with a smile and Finn smiled back before he walked into the room. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.  She sighed and smiled as he kissed her cheek. "Are you ready to get back to work, love?", she chuckled, "I am always ready to go to work."

"So, Brie and Bryan had Birdie, Maryse and Mike are having a girl, Maria and Mike are also having a baby. Randy has two girls, Aj has two girls, basically everyone has girls. JoJo the only one close to Vina's age. Actually I think they are the same age. Anyways. We have a lot of talent coming into the girls locker room in 20 years.", Finn laughed and Davina smiled. "Anyways, there's going to be a lot of baby girls around the arenas. I can't wait. And when I'm sure Bray won't hurt her, Davina can come back to the arenas with us. I miss her being back there.", Finn smiled, "You know the entire locker room would never let Davina get hurt. Joe would even help protect her if it came down to it.", Catherine looked at him, "Well, how about 3 weeks. If Bray doesn't somehow screw us up in 3 weeks, Davina can come back with us.", Finn nodded, "Alright, that's a fair deal. And besides, you'll have your lunatic older brother to take care of her. He will definitely not let anything happen to her.", she smiled, "Very true. So, who's next? Renee and Dean, Trin and Jimmy, Nikki and John, Zack and Chelsea, Seth and his girlfriend, or another couple?", Finn raised an eyebrow, "What are you going on about?", she turned, "To announce marriage or a baby. Who's next? We are engaged and we have awhile on a baby. So who's next?", Finn chuckled, "I have no clue. Wait, why a while?", she turned back, "Well, I figured we would want to make sure our schedules are way to crazy, although creative is rather nice on these things. Anyways, we have another shakeup coming up, we are a pair again, so wherever one of us goes the other is following. If we are on Smackdown, we can get some new opportunities and maybe even a title run or two. If we stay on Raw, we might get a storyline with Bray and Kane. Terrible idea on our parts for that mess. Or we might finally get the titles, back.", Finn nodded, "But like you said, creative is pretty good on the marriage and baby situations.", she turned, "I know, speaking of which. Stephanie wants to know a general idea of a date so we can either all get that day off or we can all get prepared in time for a show.", Finn looked at her as she grabbed her schedule copy of shows and ppvs. WrestleMania 34 was in NOLA, a good party area but he knew that was a bad idea. "We have three co-branded events next year. The Money in the Bank, Survivor Series, and SummerSlam. Of course there's the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania 34 but with Royal Rumble being in January and WrestleMania being what was around my first wedding, I don't think either of those are a good idea. So, MITB is in Chicago on June 17th, Survivor Series is in LA on November 18th, and SummerSlam is in Brooklyn on August 19th. The July ppv is the 15th and it's Battleground. December's ppv is Clash of Champions and it's the 15th. So, do we want a spring or a summer wedding?", she looked at Finn and he noticed she had grabbed a notepad, "How about SummerSlam week?", she smiled up at him, "For sure, we want to do it on SummerSlam week?", Finn nodded, "Yeah. How about the Wednesday before SummerSlam.", she looked at the schedule and grabbed a calendar, "So, August 15th, 2018. Where at? A church, outside, at the Arena?", Finn raised an eyebrow, as he walked around and finished the packing, "Definitely not at the arena. How about a church.", she nodded and looked up churches near the Barclay center. She paused, "The Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, that's where we can have the wedding. Okay then. What time, morning, afternoon, night?", Finn zipped the cases and looked at her, "I want to say I do at 2.", she smiled softly, "So, wedding starts at 1:30 then?", Finn chuckled, "Wedding starts at 1.", she smiled and he kissed her softly. It was planned then. She would be Catherine Devitt and Davina would be Davina Devitt on August 15th, 2018 at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens.", she wrote it all in a message to Stephanie, Nikki, Renee, Brie, Alexa, and Maryse. She also made them swear to secrecy. She smiled, and looked at Finn. "I love you, to Pluto and back.", Finn smiled and kissed her, "I love you more.", she giggled and Shawn walked in, "So, 9 months then? You're going to plan a wedding in nine months?", she nodded, "That's more time than I had before and that wedding was gorgeous. This wedding is going to top it.", She turned, "Red, black, silver, and white. Those are our colors.", Finn smiled and Shawn smirked. She had a plan.

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