First words(Leo & Raph)

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Any BTS fans out there? XD


Leo's P.O.V

It had been 6 months since I found (Y/n) and we couldn't be much happier (well besides the crying at night, her having Raph's temper, or miss picky when it comes to food!) Yup perfect!

A sharp cry awoke me from my sleep, making me jump off my bed. The cry's of course came from the other side of my room, (Y/n). Pulling myself from the ground I could see her blueish green eyes filled with tears which was the way she'd wake up every night so i force myself back into my bed, covering my head with a pillow.

The room grew quiet again for a moment until she started whimpering "please (Y/n) I just want to sleep". She didn't seem to like the idea very much as she whimpered louder, and louder!


Cool she learned to talk...... wait WHAT!? Jumping from my bed I walked over to her crib since there was not point in running, she's literally 4 steps away. "Can you say that again"? "WEO"! She screamed with a grin. "Great job (Y/n)"! She giggled reaching out her arms wanting up.

Carefully taking out of the crib I sat her on my bed, making her grab my pillow and pulled it into a death hug. I climbed in beside her and wrapped my arms around her small plastron falling back to sleep.


Normal P.O.V

You were sitting by your big brother Raph, watching him beat his punching bag. Your blue eyes watching his every move with interest. "Like what you see'in (Y/n)"? You clapped your hands with a playful smile. He walked up to you and pulled you into his arms.

"Thought so, ya wanna try"? You shrieked happily as he sat you down next to the bag. You remembered how he would ball up his hands into fists and strike. You copied this and hit it as hard as you could.

You cried out in pain, maybe you hit it too hard? "Raph"! You turned to see your other big brother Leo standing a few feet away to your brother. Leo was about to make another comment but you saw your favorite tv show on, Space Heroes. You carefully crawled over the couch, well more like a bench connected to the floor, you whimpered as your hand met the ground.

Once on the onto the couch "get it together Captain! Your our leader now act like one"! You giggled trying to block out your two older brothers bickering. "Your right! That was the anxiety ray talking" you smiled as the Captain slapped himself.

Your brothers had gotten much louder since then making your blood boil as you could no longer block them out. You got up onto your feet, turned around, crossed your arms like you saw Leo do a lot, opened your mouth.


The lair became very quiet as.... well as quiet as a sewer could get. Donnie had pecked out of the dojo, Mikey dropped his bowl of something he was eating, even Master Splinter had been awoken from his deep meditation and came along to see what was going on.

"Wow! First word equals 'shut up' nice...." Mikey said sarcastically trying to save his food, yeah it wasn't gonna work.

You smiled and turned yourself back around and watched your show as your four brothers and Sensei went to the dojo and talked. Donnie was the first to come out, he wrapped your now bruised hand, gave a soft smile "Great good on the first words kid" he said pulling you onto his lap.

Next was Mikey who just walked out with a normal bright smile and sat next to the two of you. You sucked on your thumb waiting, regretting your choice of words.

Leo walked out with a ruff sigh. Now the four of you were watching your show, the only person looking interested was you and Leo. Last was Raph who just walked to his room.

"Oops" You said looking at Raph's door. So maybe not the best words but tomorrow is a new day, and with a new days a new possibility.

Hope you liked I thought maybe something different was in order for Raph, I'v seen that happen before, yup very awkward day. Anyway i'll try to update soon!

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