When you go 'take a look'(Donnie & Mikey)

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No one's P.O.V

Your eyes schemed over the small clear print boringly. Nothing seemed like fun to you, you had read over seven chapters of the second book of the hunger games just today and it wasn't even late afternoon. Training had warn you out since Splinter choose Raph to give his own kind of training to you since Splinter had the stupid sniffles! Training with Raph was hard.

When he trained you it was mostly body strength meaning a lot of push ups, squats which were your least favorite, and holding onto a tree branch for over an hour because your arms couldn't do it anymore. Then he said he was just going easy on you, 'you hang onto a tree for an hour and see how you like it' you wanted to snap at him but just went to reading tho you almost passed out and could barely feel your arms.

You looked towards the lab 'maybe' you thought, getting up and walking into the lab but no Donnie. You raised your none existent eyebrow in confusion, you saw him walk into the lab not even ten minutes ago. The garage door hung open, Donnie must have gone the the 'yard'. Having nothing better to do you walk out the garage door, hoping to find Donnie and maybe help him try to find a few things.

As you walked you noticed the tunnels got darker and darker, and you not being a big fan decided to go down a lighter tunnel which would take longer to get to the 'yard' but you didn't really care. A loud whimper interupted your thoughts, you looked up to see a manholes light was covered then reappeared. You being the curious one decided to see what was going on, you started up the ladder and pushed up on the manhole and slide it to the side.

Once opened the whimpers grew louder, looking around you turned to see an older human male standing over a smaller male. You jumped from the sewers and into the shadows, neither of the males knowing you were even there. The older male pulled out a small knife and swong it around the younger's face. You growled and leaped onto the older male, punching him in the neck. The older male turned to you and gasped "more freaks!" He attacked trying to cut at your head, you grabbed his arm and tossed him into a brick wall. The older male ran like a scared puppy.

You laughed and turned back to the younger, he had black spiked hair and blue eyes but what surprised you the most was that he had black wolf ears and tail. "Mutant turtle?" He questioned showing a pearly grin, you nodded. "Wolf?" You asked also, he also nodded. "Well thanks! Your a life savers! Um.." "(y/n)" "Justin!" After a few moments he looked down at his watch and his eyes widened "sorry but I gotta go, see you later!" He yelled running.

Later? You shrugged and headed back to the manhole and flew back in. You saw a tea green and knew right away "hi Donnie.." You half expected him to yell at you or something but no "not bad" you raised a questioning look "what?" He smiled, "how you saved that kid, it was cool" "your not going to yell at me are you?" You asked hopefully "No but Splinter will." Right.

Splinter was proud but still grounded you.


No one's P.O.V

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!" You rolled your eyes to yourself as you tried very hard to tune out your older brother Mikey yelling your name not even a foot from you. You where very close to finishing the ninja book your other older brother Leo let you have for a while. "(Y/n)!!!!!!" The scream pierced your ears, being forced to drop the book and plug your ears. Blinking a few times you picked up your book and started to read again.

Mikey gave a annoyed huff and crossed his arms. "Mikey! Be quiet!" You heard your other, other older brother Raph shout walking to the two of you. You paid no attention as you flipped the page "What are you yelling about?"Raph asked Mikey with a sharp glare "(Y/n) wont listen to me!" He said looking at you who still gave no care.

A pair of hands pulled the book from yours and held them high "Raph"! You yelled standing and reaching for the books "nope, not until you answer him" he said plainly, you crossed your arms and muttered a 'what?' "Can you please come with me" you rolled your eyes "where?" "sewers!" You growled at his answer, which was not actually an answer. "Sure..." Mikey jumped happily and pulled your arm towards the entrance.

You let him guide him into the sewers until your legs hurt a lot from so much running for about three hours. "I gotta rest for a minute" you said pulling your arm back and sitting against the wall, Mikey joining you with a wide smile. 'How are you always so happy?' You ask him silently, "come get me stupid punks!" You look at Mikey, he does also and I stand before looking in the direction of a small shadow that sprint towards you two. A dark figure races passes you "come on turtles!" The figure yelled behind you, you shrug as you and Mikey follow the figure.

Angry yells and huffs come from behind you making the two of you sprint faster "why are we running? We could take em!" You yell towards Mikey who shrugs "I have no idea" he says, the figure stops and climbs a ladder to your left and goes to the surface. You and Mikey hold the same confused look as you stare up. "Get up here unless you want to be gang food!" Without hesitating Mikey grabs you and throws you to the surface and climbs himself.

The figure pushes the manhole cover onto the hole and huffs with satisfaction. The 'figure' in fact was a boy similar to your age, had black spiky hair and deep blue eyes with a wolf tail and ears. "Um." You say looking at the manhole where your home was. "What?" The boy asks titling his head "you don't want to go back down there do you?"

After a few seconds Mikey nods "yeah we kinda... live down there" "what?! Down, in the sewers?" you nod "yeah uh its not easy getting a place up here looking like this" you gesture to the fact that your a human sized turtle. He nods slowly "umm well hi i'm Justin and your.." "i'm Mikey! And this is my little sister (Y/n)!" You roll your eyes 'by a long five years' you think. (You:8,the guys:13)

"So sewers.. come on! There's another manhole not far from here" You nod and walk threw the shadows, trying to keep yourself hidden from anyone. For only a moment you see what the Big Apple actually looked like. Lights! Lots of lights but for the most part amazing! Justin stops and lifts the manhole cover "here" he said smiling. You return the smile a push Mikey in making him let out a small 'ow' and I jump in, following.

You giggle and help Mikey up, "(Y/n), Michelangelo!" The two of you turn to a very angry Master splinter "oh bleep.." you mutter as Splinter drags you back to the lair. Calmly shouting, how does that work? But the only part that interests the two of you is the word, grounded.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in exactly 17 days! Yeah I keep track, thanks for over 800 views! I never thought it would ever come to that. Until next time! -Park_Amber.

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