What If.

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"Fuck!" I hissed beyond irritated by this point. "Why won't she answer me?" I whispered under my breath, finally hitting the end button and tossed my phone onto my desk in front of me. 

It's been almost two weeks since I last heard from Mariah and it had my emotions all over the place. I didn't know whether I should mad, worried or afraid - I might even be all three.

I sighed loudly, placing my elbows on the arms of my chair and rubbed my temples feeling more stressed than usual. With everything going on with DPR and all the upcoming events we have planned for the next few days, the timing for this had me snapping on people who didn't deserve it.

This wasn't like me, and my friends knew this. I have always been good at pushing away or hiding my emotions, especially when dealing with work aside and focusing on the task at hand but this was different. I wasn't in love then.

My mind was constantly on Mariah, going through countless reasons as to why she suddenly up and disappeared on me. I refused to sit here and believe that she would end us like this. My gut was telling me something had happened while I was gone but I just couldn't figure out what and that was eating me up inside.

Snatching my phone up once more, I tapped on her name again, refusing to give up until she answered. I missed my girl and right now I really needed to hear her voice.

To know if she was ok at least.

"Hi, this is Mariah. I can't come to the phone right now so please leave a name and number and I'll be sure to call back when I'm available....or not. Bye!" I smirked a little, finding a little comfort that this was one way of hearing her but still I wasn't satisfied.

Hearing the automated voice, I sat up and got ready to leave probably the hundredth voicemail since all this started. "Baby, please answer me. I miss you and I'm worried about you. You know you can tell me anything, yeah? Just please let me in so I can fix what's wrong. I love you."

"Damn, you really got it bad don't you?" Dabin spoke up, stepping back into the room after his quick run to the local store. I glanced at him, waving him off and placed my phone in front of me, catching the screensaver of Mariah and I in Maui before the screen went black. "She still isn't answering huh?"

I shook my head, running a hand through my hair in frustration. "I know something is wrong. She wouldn't just up and leave for no reason. At this point, I wouldn't even be surprised if it was something family related." I expressed to him as he sat in the chair next to mines. Maybe that thought was far-fetched but I was going with anything right now. I had to think of any and every possible reason for her to ignore me of all people.

"Have you tried contacting her friends?" Dabain asked, pulling out a bottle of juice from his bag and handing me one. He already knew of what was happening since Mariah pulled a Houdini act. Even his phone calls were going unanswered.

"Of course but the only thing Raya and Chelez tell me is that she's alive and breathing. They refuse to tell me what's going on and I know they know what's wrong with Mariah." At first, I let it go because I figured they were only trying to protect her but then I realized they shouldn't have to, especially from me. They knew how much I loved and cared for their best friend.

Dabin leaned forward and rubbed his chin in deep thought for a few seconds before snapping his fingers. "Then they must be hiding something." He concluded, turning to face me. "I mean, we both know you've done nothing wrong. Being the ideal boyfriend and all." He joked lightly, putting emphasis on the word ideal.

Just One More Night •Christian Yu•Where stories live. Discover now