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"I see someone had a good time last night," Dabin commented, nodding his head towards a slightly limping Mariah. I laughed to myself as the events of the evening before replayed through my mind once more.

The way she looked and sounded would forever be imprinted in my thoughts. Mariah had a way of making me feel like no other before her ever could, and that was the god honest truth. We did more than make love. There was an undeniable connection between us that I don't think either us fully understood just yet, but we both knew how real it felt.

"Yeah, I think I may have been a little too rough but technically she asked for it." I shrugged my shoulders, almost feeling bad for going so hard. I tried to move slowly but she wasn't having any of that. Every time I would, she would only demand me to speed up and get rougher. For someone to be so shy and sweet, she revealed a whole new side in the bedroom.

She wanted rounds, and I made sure to give her just that.

"My boy!" Dabin praised loudly, pulling me in for a hug as I pushed him away from his overexcitement. "I knew you had it in you."

I shook my head and focused my attention back on Mariah just as she took off her white tunic to reveal a red one piece that hugged her curves perfectly. Her smooth skin seemed to be glowing more than usual today. She had a way of making the simplest things look amazing. I could see the other guys eyeing her and in a way a sense of pride welled up inside me.

They could look all they wanted because they knew who she belonged to.

"She has to have a sister or something right?" Dabin asked suddenly, casually sipping on his drink and watching Mariah closely.

I snorted at the remembrance of meeting her family for the first time. "She does but one is already married and the other one isn't someone I would recommend wasting time on." I was still very curious about the background story of why Mariah and Melanie had such an issue with each other. Clearly, it was something that ran deep, especially after all these years.

"I don't care. If she looks anything like Ri, please sign me up." He responded seriously, "You really got lucky with this one and I don't mean just look wise either."

Nodding my head in agreement, I realized a while ago just how special Mariah truly was. In all honesty, she was someone I didn't want to lose but I wasn't sure how she'll take me leaving back to Korea tomorrow. I hated the fact that I wouldn't be able to see her for about three months because of my schedule.

We're doing so well and I'm hoping it won't change because of the distance.

"I'm telling her tonight." The last thing I wanted to do was leave, especially now. But I had a business to run and unfortunately it was something that caused me to be busy a lot throughout the year.

"Hey, you know she'll understand. Mariah is the understanding type. I'm sure she already knew what she was getting into after finding out who you were."

"I know but I really wish she could come with me but with school, I know it isn't possible." I thought about ways of asking her to join me but I refused to do so because I knew how much graduating meant to her. There were a few times when I spent times with her while she studied for whatever was important the next day. I loved how dedicated and focused she was.

More than anything I wanted to see her walk across that stage and get her masters. However, I also wanted her by my side as I traveled the world.

I didn't understand how the timing could be so perfect and imperfect at once.

Just One More Night •Christian Yu•Where stories live. Discover now