I Want You.

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It's been about a week since I last seen Christian and a sista was missing him like crazy. While school work and tests kept me busy, he was off doing things related to his job. Even the few times he was on campus, he was always busy helping out those with film or anything dealing with mass media projects.

Not to mention the video he was preparing for in a few days.

Even though we couldn't see each other as we wanted, we always stayed in contact. Whether it be text messages or facetime calls, we always somehow made time.

The type of feelings he gave were all so foreign to me. I was very aware of how much I liked him but it was scary how fast it happened. I was afraid I would find myself falling for this man at an unrealistic rate.

Or maybe I was just overthinking things and needed to relax and just enjoy the moment.

"Earth to Mariah." A loud voice called out snapping me back to where I was. "Damn girl, you just zoned out into Christian wonderland didn't you? Don't answer that, I already know I'm right." Raya teased, which was something she's been doing nonstop lately. It was borderline annoying.

"Leave her alone. Like you haven't been doing the exact same thing with Damien and yall are already fucking." Chelez shot back, making Raya give her a displeased look. I had to fight back the laugh that was threatening to escape.

When I first heard about those two already knocking boots I was surprised but I guess when you've been chasing one girl for so long, shit happens. Besides the two slapping skin, they were getting along just like how Chelez and I knew they would.

It was rare not catching them together nowadays, usually, Raya would be stuck to his side. Although they weren't quite together, they were taken the steps in the direction to make it official.

I really hoped both come out happy after this.

"Like you can judge. When are you not laid up with some dude...or female for that matter." Chelez threw a french fry at Raya who caught it with her mouth, smiling triumphantly.

It was no secret that Chelez didn't discriminate but she never really did the whole label thing. She liked who she liked and that was that. "Single people can do that. Not my fault people want a piece of all this." She waved her hand up and down her curvy frame which I couldn't even lie was nice. Chelez took pride in her appearance and it showed every time she stepped out into the public eye.

"Yeah ok...lil thot ass." As usual, the two sat there bickering like the low-key married couple they were. I wasn't lying when I say this was an everyday thing.

"Why don't you two just date?" I blurted out suddenly, making them stop completely. Both turned and gave me a disgusted look.

"Look I support the whole LGBT community but I can't imagine another vagina in front of my face and enjoying it." Raya made a face, shivering at the mere thought of something like that ever occurring.

Chelez placed her chin on top of her knuckles leaning in close to her best friend. "How would you really know though? You've never tried it."

"And I don't ever plan to either. I'm good on all that." Raya eyed Chelez suspiciously, not believing she would even THINK she'd be down to do such intercourse.

"So you say."

Crazy thing was, I wasn't even being serious when I asked but clearly something was going on here.

"Look all I'm saying is if things don't work out with Damien, you could always try out women." Chelez shrugged nonchalantly, sipping on her milkshake casually. I could tell she was loving this so much.

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