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I feel different. Every part of me feels different.

I know it is cold but I don't feel it, not how I used to. I notice it but I don't feel it. We stand outside at night, and ahead is the forest, beyond that the hills and the rivers that eventually lead to the coast. I can almost hear the waves, almost smell the salt in the air. But that can't be possible.

Edric is behind me somewhere, amongst the line of his guard. He can't help me anymore now, it's down to me.

He doesn't have to be by my side though. I can feel him in every part of me. He has made me his now in every way. His blood, so much of his blood, flows in my veins. He has kissed every part of me, taken me in ways I never realised was possible. Now I know why the world is obsessed with sex, why lovers do crazy things for each other, but I can't imagine everyone feeling the way I did. I've heard girls at college say that it hurt, that it didn't last very long, that it was one big disappointment. Not Edric. He didn't stop showing me that he loved me until the dawn physically dragged him away from me.

Now I really am his, and he is mine. I just have to survive the next five days and nights. I look across to the right of me. The four of us are spread out in line with big gaps between us. We have nothing but the clothes we are wearing. No food, no water, no change of clothes, no weapons or anything to help us like matches. They've at least let us wear plenty of layers, and a thick coat, hats and gloves.

I glance across again, Maria looks freezing already, she is shaking. At the far end of the line, I see Max glaring at me, his face covered in bruises and his nose still bent.

We stand there still like statues, waiting for the signal, waiting to run into the woods to either survive or die.

Then Claudius comes out of the forest in front of us. He is walking but so quickly, it looks like he is gliding. His chest is bare and I cannot believe he does not feel some cold. Every other vampire here has clothing on. But if he is cold then he does not show it.

He comes to a half a few metres in front of us.

"The final part of your physical trials, contestants. Alone and unaided," and his eyes rest on mine as he says this. "You will prove whether you are worthy to be a hunter, to be a predator or whether you are mere prey. Your gamesmaster, Edric, this is his family's ancestral home. There is something powerful about our homeland soil. Edric's ancestors and family roamed these lands when they had no name, no king or allegiance. They fought here, they bleed into this earth and their bones became the soil under your feet today.

"You have one goal. Survive. There are no rules here. It is true that there is no penalty for killing each other but that's not the goal. A hunter is cunning and clever, he bides his time and makes the most of his opportunities. He takes a calculated risk. He does what he needs to do to survive. That's what we're looking for here. We'll be waiting to see which of you emerge from this forest in 5 nights time. The moon is low and full, it will be your guide and your friend." And Claudius nods to the vampire guard that I only see now, and the guard blows the loud horn. It makes us all jolt, it is so loud and piercing in this quiet corner of the world.

But as soon as I realise what it means, I am running. I glance to my side, Max is thankfully a long way off to my right but he is veering and turning in my direction. But I am smaller than him and faster, even more so now with the new blood pumping in my veins.

It doesn't take me long to reach the opening of the forest and then I am in. The moon disappears and the light reflects through the odd gaps in between the branches. I want to run back to Edric, I don't want to be running away from him but I know I have to do this. I remember his words to me, he has kept me safe this far and now I need to do this for him.

But I am different from Maria, Tom and Max now. I know they will stick together, the three of them against me. I am the threat to them. But it doesn't matter because I will prove them all wrong, including Claudius. I am not just a little girl anymore. I will be the hunter, not the prey.

The first task for Max, Tom and Maria will be to find a fresh supply of water. Without that, they will get weaker and weaker, and be dead in 3 days. Only when they have found water, some shelter and worked out the basics will they come after me.

That's fine, because while they are looking for a water supply. I can run in the opposite direction and find the perfect places to hide. Because I know now that I don't need water. What I need is blood instead. I need blood just like a vampire but my human metabolism burns it up, keeps trying to flush the vampire infection from my system. The only way is more blood, blood and blood.

So while they are looking for water, I will be looking for blood. While they are building fires to keep warm, I won't need one. And when they want to sleep, I will be at my most alert. And if all else fails, their blood will keep me alive. They all entered the games prepared to die, I didn't, and I will do whatever it takes to walk out of this place and into Edric's arms.

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