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I stare at the man in front of me. I have never seen a man like him before. Every vampire is so unusual to look at but he is something else entirely.

He looks like he has stepped out of a tribal history book. He is much taller than me so I have to tilt my head upwards to look at him. His chest is bare and I cannot help but stare at his muscles. He has tattoos all over him and the lines seem to glimmer. I want to run my fingers over them and trace the lines.

He opens his arms, inviting me to come to him, and when I take a step towards him he gives me a big smile. He has the most amazing smell around him, it sends a tingle up and down my spine.

"That's it, come here Lily," he says and I take another step towards him when I hear a low growl and I feel a vice-like grip on my arm. Edric pulls me back and then steps in front of me, blocking my view of Claudius.

"She is mine," I hear him snarl. Now that Edric is in front of me, I feel like I have come out of a spell. Claudius might be incredibly good looking but I can't go to him, I can't let him taste my blood. I want to be Edric's and I don't want anyone else touching me.

"She is just a human girl, Edric, step aside," I hear Claudius say.

"And you just pointed out that she is no longer human."

"Calm down Edric, I won't take her away from you. I just want a little taste of her. You are in trouble here Edric, I think it is in your interest to give me every hospitality."

"And so I shall. But just not her."

"Why don't we let her decide. Humans are so fickle, wouldn't you agree? You have broken numerous rules for her but does she appreciate that? Has she formed a serious attachment to you? One that is worthy of immortal attention? Or is she blinded by her body's desires? You're a brave warrior Edric but you are not skilled with the treachery of a woman's heart. And shouldn't you be sure of this before you go on making a war in her name?" I wait for Edric to snap something back at him, and tell him to get out of this room. But he is different around him. I wouldn't say he was scared of him exactly, but his normal commanding nature is subdued.

And to my surprise, Edric does actually stand aside revealing Claudius to me once more. My eyes meet his and there is such a look of hunger and lust, that I feel a warm blush flow all over me. Somehow I wrench my eyes away from his though and I look at Edric.

Edric looks so different to Claudius, if Claudius is dark and tribal, then Edric is Nordic with his Viking sandy blonde hair, pale white skin that is smooth and soft and free from tattoos. His eyes change when I look at him. I force myself to keep looking at him in the eye. I feel the pull of Claudius, I can smell him and I take a deep breath and hold it. I keep looking at Edric and for the first time, I can see the flicker of emotions across his face. Anger, jealousy, fear and a stony mask glaring at me back.

I can see he is testing me. He doesn't want to force me to do something, he wants to see what I will do. And inside my head there is no choice, it's all him, but my body, that's feeling something else. I feel something in my blood being pulled in a different direction, it's like there is this wonderful warm glow tingling in me and if I just take a step over there...

I shut my eyes tight and I take a deep, slow breath. I shut everything else out, I listen for the long pause to end and for my heart to beat. Every part of me feels different, stronger, slower and more endurable. I am more than this, it's my head that controls me, I can do whatever I want to do.

I open my eyes and look into Edric's. "I don't want to go to him. I don't anyone else to taste my blood or kiss me or do anything else to me."

Edric doesn't smile and his expression does not flicker. "Tell him," he nods towards Claudius.

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