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Lily's alarmed eyes immediately meet mine. I knew she would have this reaction. But I've seen her eat animal meat, where does she think it comes from?

But this is why this test is in the games. I put it in myself. Humans are so civilised now, or so most of them think, not the humans like Max. They have lost their savagery and they can eat something from a supermarket shelf that doesn't resemble the animal it came from, but when you ask them to kill with their bare hands many can't.

And a vampire needs to kill otherwise game over, you're dead. Sometimes I think it should be the first test we do, and anyone who can't do it is immediately eliminated. When Tobias was gamesmaster he used to have stronger animals, like dogs, that would fight back. It would be a bloody battle seeing who could kill who and Tobias loved watching it, but I prefer a quick, clean death. And when it comes down to it, fighting doesn't mean strength, I know that better than most. Picking up something innocent and helpless, something that can't fight back, and being able to look it in the eyes and kill it, well that's a far better test. Because every human is helpless and innocent against us, and you have to be able to kill.

"Well, this should be interesting," says Claudius in a low voice that only I can hear. "She doesn't look like a killer."

"Looks can deceive, as you well know," I answer softly. "And she just resisted the allure of your blood, she's stronger than you think."

"She resisted once with you in the room. It's been a long time since I've had a challenge with a woman."

"Not her, Claudius. I want her, she wants me, why come between that? We're warriors, we follow a simple code of conduct. You know I am not like my father, so don't make me become him," I say.

"A woman is a weakness for a man like you. I'd only be helping you. But you can have it your way, Edric. I have no desire to force a woman to satisfy me or give me her blood. But what I do desire is you in our tribe and my friend, you now have a weakness," he whispers to me and I sense Sam take a step closer to me.

I let the anger at Claudius's words wash over me. I don't do weaknesses but he is right, Lily is one. I feel a sadness creep over me, I didn't want this for her, but I need her to be strong right now. I need her to let whatever of my blood is in her veins do the thinking and acting. I was selfish when I took her that night. I took her because her beauty bewitched me when I should have snapped her neck, just like she needs to snap that chicken's neck.

I take a step forward, it's time for this game to be over.

"Maria," I call out and I see the violinist's body jerk slightly. "You're first. Take the chicken out of the cage and snap its neck. And an extra task for you, make sure you look that animal in the eyes when you kill it." I give them all a hard glare and Lily's eyes widen slightly.

Maria takes very slowly walks towards one of the cages, the guard opens the door of it. But the chicken doesn't come out and hovers at the back of it. The guard lifts the cage up until the chicken eventually flaps out and lands on the floor. It is flapping and making noises, but Maria just stands there looking dumbfounded.

"I can't do this," she says. I feel my anger bubbling up again, why are these humans here if they can't kill? Do they think being a vampire is just about sipping blood from blood bags?

"Then why are you here, Maria? We kill, this is what we are. This is what humans once were. Kill or be killed. Fight and survive, or die. Right now, Maria, this chicken is standing between you and immortality or your mortal death. So make a choice now - and save me the bother of waiting until the full moon to rip your throat open."

Maria goes pale and takes a step back. Lily gasps and I see the fear come over her face. I know I am being deliberately cruel but this is more than a game for me now, with Claudius here and my father still somehow being a step ahead, despite being locked up, I need the games to go the way I want them too.

"What's your choice, Maria?" I say again, more calmly.

"I'm not doing it," she says, her body trembling.

"Guards take her back," says Claudius. "Despite what he says, you'll live until the full moon. That's if one of your fellow contestants don't end you in the next test."

"Max," I bark. "If you can't get up, then you can go back to the cells too." But Max lets out a groan of anger and he pulls himself up and off the ground. As he stands, he swaggers slightly and his face is drooping down on one side. That will hurt for days, weeks even. And if I have it my way, he won't get any medical attention. But there is an anger and determination in his eyes. I see the hatred there but it drives him on, and I grudgingly have to admit that it is better to be like that than to give up.

He staggers towards the chicken, who flaps away a bit. But Max falls down to his knees and in less than a minute, he has grabbed the chicken and it is dead.

"One point for Max," says Claudius. "And perhaps we should give him a discretionary half point, seeing as he managed to complete the task whilst injured," he smiles at the glare I cast in his direction.

"Lily, you're next," I say just as sharply. And I see her giving me that look that she used to when we first met.

I walk towards the second cage, as she hesitantly walks towards me. I motion for the guard to step back and I reach forward to open the cage door.

"Edric, why are being like this? Maria, couldn't help-"

"Lily, just stop. Right now I need you to focus on us. I know you are thinking I'm being cruel. I know you don't want to kill this animal, that you've never killed anything in your life. But you need to make a choice. You don't kill this chicken, then you are staying human, and staying human means you'll be dead. I want you to live but you have to show everyone in this room, including me, that you want this. If you deserve to stand by my side, you need to win these games so you need to do this for me."

And I take a step and watch the different emotions play over her face. I can feel her anger, at me, at this situation, but anger is good and I need her to feel that anger.

I am not sure what way she is going to go. I expect her to tell me to go to hell and march out of the room. I can see her breaking down in tears and I watch how she fights those tears in her eyes.

But what I don't expect is for her to take a deep breath, and bend down to the cage, pulling out the chicken with her hands.

"Put it on that bench there," I nod towards it and not looking at me, she walks over and places it down. "Lily," I say still sternly, and she glances towards me, her eyes full of fire. "Make sure you look it in the eyes."

I watch, partly in horror and sadness, and partly in pride, as she takes the chicken by the neck and cleanly, quickly snaps its neck. As soon as it is dead, she immediately drops it and takes a step back.

"One point for Lily," says Claudius. "Very good."

Lily looks up at him and I see how he smiles at her. "May I go?" She says, not turning back to look at him.

"Yes, you may, good work, Lily. I predict we will make a good hunter of you," he says.

"Lily," I say softly but she doesn't turn around. She just marches out of the room without looking back.

"Oh dear," says Claudius. "It seems like our innocent Lily doesn't like the monster you are turning her into. The first kill of an innocent always kills something inside us too."

I turn away from Claudius and walk out of the room. I see Lily slam the door to our room ahead and the guards take up their positions.

I want to go to her but I know what she must be thinking and feeling right now. Claudius is right, I will turn her into a monster. She is already changed beyond measure since she came here. I am already a monster, can I really turn her into one?

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