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I've run to the back of the apartment and hidden behind a large sofa where Sam and the other guards are lying completely unresponsive, despite the noise that the drill and the saw are making. No human could ever sleep through this.

When I hear an almighty thud, I know that the door has finally given way and whoever is on the other side must now be able to come in.

I could stay where I am. Part of me wants to curl up into a ball and pray no-one finds me. But I'm not going to. I'm starting to get it now. Life isn't just a gift and something that's always there. If I want to live, I'm going to have to fight for it.

And I have a gun. If I can remember how to use it.

So I creep out from behind the sofa and start to slowly edge back towards the front door. Perhaps I can take one of them by surprise, maybe I can distract them.

As I get nearer, I can see the front door amongst the trees and tropical plants that are everywhere. But I'm thankful right now for the camouflage.

As I stare, I can see that Edric has the advantage. They've only been able to make a large hole so they will have to climb in one by one. Edric is crouched on one side of the hole, waiting. His face is scowling and he seems like he is in pain, though I can't see why he would be.

A man dressed in a black uniform jumps through the hole but before I can blink, Edric has his arms around the man's neck. SNAP. And he slumps on the floor dead.

Holy mother. I was feeling scared for Edric and came out here to help him. But now I am feeling stupid. I suddenly remember the first moment I ever saw him outside of the crypt. Somehow he has turned into something different in my eyes. A lover. Someone kind.

But now I see him as his enemies would. A ruthless killer.

The second man jumps through and this one has a large gun pointed at Edric. He just laughs and in another blink, the gun is bent back, rendered useless. He doesn't snap his neck but instead takes a gigantic bite into his neck.

Oh my God, the blood is everywhere. It sprays out covering Edric's face. I have to look away and take a step back. I realise then just how gentle he has been with me. His lips have the power to do that. To rip apart a man's neck.

I can hear more thuds and cracks and I can't bring myself to look. But I know I have got to, what if Edric is in danger.

I peep around and I see Edric slumped against the wall next to the door. He is awake though and covered in blood. There are 5 men lying dead around him.

I rush over to him and he is still scowling in pain, even though I can't see any obvious injury. But as I bend down in front of him, I notice something. A smell. A really strange smell, rotten almost and then I remember what it reminds me of.

"What's that smell? It's like burnt hair," I say.

"It's me," he gasps. "Daylight. It's getting through the door. I'm burning. But a lot slower than I should be," he groans.

"Come on, we have to move you, we have to get you away from this door," I try to pull him but I'm not sure I manage to move him an inch. In the end, he groans and helps me by letting himself be dragged away. We go around the corner and get as far away as we can from the daylight. But Edric is still groaning.

"Cover me," he says. So I run back to the bed and grab the duvet, flinging it over him.

"Are we safe?" I ask, hoping that he'll say yes, because I don't see how he can defend us against another attack.

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