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It's not an update per say, but it deals with the story. I was going to include it as a bonus scene from Kristina's past but I decided to put it here as an insight into what Kristina has gone through and overcame in dealing with her parents' death. It's a bit morbid, it wasn't supposed to be but I just started to write how I believe she would feel, how much guilt she'll have. Hope you like it.


Kristina's POV ( two months after her parents' death)

One...... one lie.

That's all it took to unravel everything I had.

Just one......

Now that one decision haunts me.

Despite every move I make,

I'm always haunted by that one lie.....

I wish that I could take it back,

Turn back the clock once more to stop myself.......

But I can't...

I have to live every day, with that weight on my mind,

With that guilt from my past.

They say I can do it,

"Just take it one day at a time," she told me a pity smile on her face.

I don't know if I can....

I don't know if I can survive.

"Just one more slice, and you'll be free," the voice whispers in my ear.

"Free from the guilt, from the pain, free from your past, just one more......"

Tears form in my eyes as I ponder, will I be free after this. My eyes droop as I held the blade in my shaking hand, my body weak. I shut my eyes as I press the blade against my second wrist, the voice getting louder,

"Yes just one more and you'll be free, you'll be with us again sweetie,"

"Kris?" Someone knocked at the door,

"Kris! Answer me," the person yelled.

"Come on sweetheart, we want to be with you again, join us," the voice whispered louder than ever sounding like my mother's sweet voice.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to the door.

I can't continue like this, consumed by guilt, they tell me it's not my fault but it was. I was the one they were looking for, I'm the one that supposed to be dead. My actions caused my parents' death, sure it was someone else that pulled the trigger but at the end of it all, it was my fault.

I killed my parents.

Pressing the blade against my wrist once more, wincing at the pain as I sever my last tie to life, the door was kicked down.

"Kris!" The voice yelled as she ran to me stopping my hand from going deeper.

"Dad, call an ambulance," she shouted,

"Why, Kris, why?" She questioned me as she applied pressure to my wound.

Black dots clouded my vision, sleep calling my name.

"Kris no stay with me stay with me," she turned her head to the door,

"DAD!" She screamed.

"I'm sorry," I told Raelan,"all I wanted to do was forget."

Darkness consumed me as she screamed.

All I want is to forget.........

 All I want is to forget

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I made a shortish version of this scene on a website that I found called Commaful and I really like it, so if you want you can check out the shorter version of this. It will also be on my profile.


Forgetting Her Past (COMPLETED)(FIRST DRAFT)Where stories live. Discover now