Chapter 14 prt 1

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Rubbing my eyes I walked down the stairs and into the lounge where everyone was seated. Holding back a yawn, I picked up a plate pilling some pancakes and eggs onto it, sitting down I started to eat waiting for Rae to speak up.

"Okay, everyone's here, so we got intel that there's gonna be a shipment of weapons coming in, however, we don't know where or when. What we do know is that information about this shipment is on Andrew Wilkin's computer since he is the dealer for the Hilton. Luckily for us, Andrew's younger brother, Derek, is having a party on that night," She paused letting the information sink in.

"Well Caleb and I already are invited and we're helping him set up," Wesely said.

"I know, but I need to get in as well as have two other persons on the inside. Oryn, since you're still a bit new, and according to the females a "hot caramel bar" you'll get asked out by some girl, say yes. Wick, I'm counting on you to get invited personally by Derek, so I'll be your plus one, so you're playing the hot cousin for the week," She told me sitting down and digging into her breakfast.

"Hot cousin? I'm confused," Ryn said glancing at Rae and me.

"Oh, when Wick visits sometimes she goes undercover as a relative to Rae, but I think her cover as "hot cousin" is overrated," Caleb said.

I scoffed, "oh really, says the guy that flirted with me for twenty minutes while Rae hacked your computer system," I reminded him.

"Dude, you told me that your computer got a virus, not that you were hacked," Wesely commented.

"Oh yes, I remember that day, it was your first test as a rookie, to see if you can be easily distracted and if your computer security was good, you failed both," Rae said laughing at the memory.

"Oh and his face was priceless when he saw me at the base two days later, I swear he nearly fainted when I told him that I was his boss," I replied laughing along with Rae.

"Alright, it's time to get ready, we have a mission so let's do our best, Ryn get a date and Wick get invited, we'll meet up later to plan on extracting the information until then get your butts ready for school," Naomi told us, wrapping up our breakfast meeting.

We left carrying our plates to the kitchen before making our ways to our rooms to get ready. Okay, Wick, you got this, you can get Derek to invite you to his party. You're smart and irresistible.

I got this.


"I hope this is "hot cousin" enough Rae, I didn't want to try too hard and seem desperate," I told her as I fixed my makeup.

"No, it's good, I really like that you went for the beauty on the inside appeal but still have a fashion sense, you look better than me so you're good," She told me as she turned into her parking spot.

"Alright you know who Derek is, so go and be a vixen," she told me before getting out the car.

Rolling my eyes at her comment, I took some deep breaths and exited the car. Some of the students stared at me when I started walking to the doors.

"Did she just come out of the same car as Freaky Laney?" A girl asked her friends, her mouth slightly opened by the fact that I came with "Freaky Laney.

"Apparently, but she's so much prettier than that ugly betty while is she with her?" The other friend asked.

Oblivious to the fact that I could hear their conversation, I walked up to the girls. They saw me coming, had a mini panic attack but calmed down as I stood in front of them. 

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