Chapter 12

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"Okay so Raiden and Cedrick come with me, I'll drop you off at the school since Luke's car is full," Dana said as she picked up her car keys heading to the door.

"Thanks, Dana," Cedrick said before running upstairs to get his bag.

"Alright guys wearer heading out, I've got a meeting this morning and the twins want to prey on the cheerleaders after their morning practice, so bye," Luke told us before walking out the door with the twins hot on his trail.

Closing the door behind them, I slipped on my shoes, got my jacket, placed some of the dishes in the dishwasher and yelled for Cedrick to hurry up. He came down after the third shout, scowling at me. Chuckling to myself, I alarm the house then lock the door before getting into the passenger seat of the car.

After a few minutes of driving, Dana finally broke the silence. We were at a traffic light waiting to go when she turned on a little black device.

"So, now we can finally talk, this device emits static or white noise so any listening devices won't pick up our conversation," she said before accelerating as the light turned green.

"Did Jared contact you, Cedrick?" Dana asked.

"Yeah, he said that he's looking over the case file for Kris' parents' murder and will get back to us if he finds anything," He said.

"Good, so until he gets something, Raiden as much as you'll hate the idea, we have to wait and play Luke's twisted game, the top priority is to keep your family safe, when we get more information then we'll formulate a plan in which both Kris and your family are safe, so please be logical and don't let your emotions rule you," Dana told me as she pulled up in the school's parking lot.

She turned off the device, looked out the window, I followed my gaze and saw my sister staring at us.

"Showtime babe," Dana said, sending a smirk at my sister who glared at both of us.

My shoulders sagged at what I was going to do. I'm sorry Cindy but if it keeps you safe then so be it.

"Thanks for the lift babe," I told Dana facing her and looking into her eyes.

Maybe in another life, I would have dated Dana. She's really beautiful and has changed a lot since high school. I placed my hand under her chin, tilting it up a bit, leaning in and kissed her.

When I pulled away, my sister was nowhere to be seen. Pulling back, I sank into my seat, sighing. I just hurt my sister, betrayed her trust, she's never gonna talk to me again, she's gonna hate me.

"Hey," Dana said softly pulling me away from my thoughts, I faced her.

"I know this is really hard for you and that your relationship with your sister will be a bit strained after this but remember that you're doing it for her, so please don't worry, you can fix this," She told me.

I stared at her for a while before nodding and getting out the car.

"Thanks, Dana," I told her closing the car door and walking onto the compound.


Throughout the whole day my sister ignored me, even Kris' friends shunned me. I sat with Luke and the guys at lunch, getting glares from my sister and her new friends. Kris hasn't even replied to any of my calls or returned my calls.

Sulking into my chair, I moved around some of the peas on my plate and blocked out everyone at the table. Not feeling hungry anymore I excused myself from the table and went to the library.

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