A couple of hours and a few people who needed help to find a book later, Namjoon was back to restocking the shelves when he heard a deep, rumbling voice say,

"Do you come here often?"

Namjoon's mood instantly skyrocketed to that of an excited child who just received a puppy, a major improvement to the bored demeanour he previously wore.

Namjoon, you've got this. Just act cool, he thought to himself, more so trying to convince himself that he actually could. But since when has he ever acted cool? He couldn't remember the answer to his question but tried to change the answer anyways.

"Not really, just when it's raining outside," he said as a witty response, which made the older man chuckle.

"Well, that's too bad since I was planning on frequenting this location in order to see a certain cutie. But I guess that I don't have to anymore..." he said with mock disappointment, turning on his heel to leave slowly.

Namjoon knew that the shorter man was just joking, but he couldn't help but to panic, and wrap his arms around the other's waist from behind to prevent him from leaving, his books now long forgotten.

"WAIT NO! Please don't go!" he yelled out in a rush of panic, earning him a couple of glares from the other people in the library.

"Shh.. this is a library, Namjoonie. And I'll take your response as you missed me? Well, I missed you too, you cutie." he confessed, making Namjoon blush, his cheeks blossoming into a rosy pink that kept deepening every time Yoongi said something.

"Isn't that my line? The shushing, I mean. I'm the librarian here."

"Well, what if you stopped being a librarian for two seconds and talked to me at that table instead? I brought you a smoothie."

"I think that I can afford to do that, considering the fact that nobody here actually needs me."

"Don't say that, Joonie. I can call you that, right?" He checked with the other, not wanting to offend him. "It's just that I've only just met you and I've opened up to you more than I have a lot of people that I have known for years, so I'm sorry if I'm a bit too informal with you."

"I don't mind it, in fact I welcome it, but only if I get to call you Yoons in return."

"Sure, but only if you come sit with me for a little bit."

"Well, then I guess you've got yourself a deal."

Namjoon and Yoongi sat at a table nearby, where Yoongi gave Namjoon a strawberry banana smoothie. They talked for a while and giggled when they both ended up with a smoothie moustache. They continued on like this until Namjoon was needed at the front desk.

"I'm sorry, I've got to go attend to my work, so you can go home if you'd like."

"Nah, I think I'm going to stay here for a little bit."

When Namjoon left him, Yoongi pulled out a chocolate-brown, medium-sized notebook, which was almost filled to the brim with words, if books did have brims. He analyzed the other, trying to figure out the feelings he had quickly developed for this stranger into words. He came up with,

Falling suddenly, swept off my feet
Not able to stable me, no ground underneath.
Lost in your smile, it promises me more
Feelings of endless forevers galore.
Shaken by your warmth and how you've opened up to me,
Revealing different layers only I can see.
Drawn in by your kindness,
Kissing away your flaws
Every moment I spend with you I'm healing, being wrapped in your gauze.
I surround myself with all things you,
My thoughts and dreams all coming true;
Because I'm always thinking of thee,
Trapped by every precious memory.
Taken aback by your eyes, and the way they shine
Calling to me over and over, telling me you're mine.

Just as he was finishing up the last line, Namjoon came up to him with a curious expression on his face.

"What are you writing about?" He asked the blonde with one eyebrow raised.

"Oh, it's nothing." He glanced at his phone for the time, remembering that he promised to spend some time with Jin when he finished his classes that day, but went to hang out with Namjoon instead.

"OH SHOOT, I'm so sorry Namjoon, but I have to go. I'll see you later!" He hastily planted a kiss on the younger male's cheek and ran out of the library before Namjoon could even utter a word, not wanting to get yelled at by Jin.

Namjoon was left a soft, shy, reddening mess where he stood, not noticing a short man who was asking him for help to find a book.

When he finally refocused on his surroundings, he quickly let go of his cheek that he didn't realise he was holding, and apologized to the man, whose name he later found out was Jackson.

"I'm so sorry about that!"

"It's no problem, I don't mind." Jackson said.

Namjoon went to help him, but all he could think about was the soft lips that left a warm feeling embedded in his cheek.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter!
I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while, it's just that I've been busy studying for exams.
If you've enjoyed this story so far, please don't be afraid to tell me so!

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