13 | Disillusionment

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C H A P T E R  T H I R T E E N | Disillusionment

charm. allows objects or target to blend in with surroundings.


VOICES DRIFT DOWN THE HALL, drawing the girls' attention. Hermione knows better than to listen in on conversations, but her last visit to Mungo's left a bad taste in her mouth. Something isn't right and she wants to find out what. Without a warning, she casts a Disillusionment charm over her and Pansy, allowing them to shift into a coatstand and planted vase. Beside the wall, they are virtually invisible.

The door opens then and two men enter the room.

"I fear Cragov may uncover our plot yet."

Hermione has heard Lucius Malfoy's voice more times than she has ever cared to, but tonight, she is glad that she can recognize it. She just wonders who Cragov is.

The man joining Lucius clicks his tongue and he glances around the room. He is dressed in a white coat; a doctor. Stranger even, he begins sniffing the room, as if some scent were drawing his attention. But as Lucius speaks, the man turns his gaze back toward the other end of the room and away from the disguised women.

"Impossible. The only thing on Cragov's mind is getting your son to join her. Still, I need more time, Malfoy. They are not ready yet. You must stall her. At least until Grimes can get here."

"Another full moon is upon us, Mathius. I expected everything to be in order by now. I didn't brew any wolfsbane. What am I to do now? Harboring those wretches has drained me of finances. You cannot expect me to continue throwing away money when you aren't fulfilling your end of the bargain."

The man laughs. It is cold and absent of humor. He steps closer to Lucius.

"If it is money that concerns you, Lucius, let me ease your worries. I am in no shortage of finances. I can give you whatever it is you want. Just stop whining. Is that all?" His eyes graze Lucius' face, studying it closely.

Lucius manages a nod.

"I will have someone drop off the money later tonight if that will suffice. As for the wolfsbane, I am afraid your four-legged friends will have to endure their curse this moon."

"No," Lucius cries out. "Their numbers near a hundred. That many werewolves would spell certain death for me, at least. What am I to do?"

"Find a way to spend the night elsewhere. Perhaps in Paris?"

Lucius stares at the man before swearing under his breath. He exits the room quickly.

However, the doctor stays behind, sniffing. He continues to do this for several long moments until a man's shouting draws him from the room and down the corridor.

Hermione sighs a breath of relief as she and Pansy transform back into humans. Sweat beads on her forehead, dripping down her neck. Her stomach stirs uncomfortably.

"Tell me I wasn't just hearing things. Werewolves? And, was that Lucius Malfoy's voice?" Her dark eyes study Hermione, eagerly searching for the strength to face the truth that someone they both hold dear is in danger.

Hermione nods sternly. "They're looking to make Draco one of them and it seems his father has a hand in it."

"We must go to him at once and warn him," Pansy replies. "Tell him everything we heard here before the full moon is upon us."

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