11 | alohomora

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C H A P T E R  E L E V E N | alohomora

charm. opens locked objects.


THE FULL MOON IS UPON THEM. The group, consisting of Hermione, Cho, and Astoria, as well as Harry and Ron, have devised a plan to ensure Draco's safety. Tonight will require more action, however, as they will attempt to uncover the identity of the pack leader, the grand puppeteer behind all of this. While Pansy keeps Draco company at Hogwarts, the rest of the group will split up to watch over the Manor, where they know the wolves are being housed.

Cho and Harry DisApparate together to the eastern-most side of the grounds while Ron takes off with Astoria on foot toward the mansion. Hermione is in the safest location, a hundred meters from the manor atop a hill. Under the shelter of several aspen trees, Hermione waits for the sun to set.

She'd rather have spent the time with Draco and Pansy, lollygagging around Hogsmeade but Astoria probably wouldn't have come to help the others. Also, she must keep up appearances.

When darkness finally blankets the land, a single howl starts, quickly joined by a chorus of others. The sound raises the small hairs on the back of her neck as she scouts the outpouring of brutish beasts mid-transition from the manor's front doors. A shield of magic encapsulates her as she prepares for their descent into the surrounding grounds.

Using her omnioculars, she focuses on the porch, where three people stay behind, watching the wolves race across the grounds and past the main gate. Hermione needs to DisApparate before anyone reaches her, but she also has a prime view of the suspected villains. If she is unable to fulfill her duty, the entire mission will be a failure. So, she remains steady in her place, staring down the trio as they discuss Merlin-knows-what.

When the thinner and shorter of the group turns, she instantly recognizes the woman. Cragov. The remainder of blurred memory is finally made clear to her. At the cost of her ability to maintain the shield.

She doesn't realize the imminent danger she has unwittingly placed herself in as wolves approach ever closer. Suddenly, she is picked up, cradled in someone's arms like a child. She can hear their heartbeat beneath her ear, their sandalwood cologne tickles her nose. Still, she breathes in deeply. It's the smell of comfort, the fragrance of Ron.

When they appear on a cobbled street in Hogsmeade, he allows her to stand on her own. She mutters thanks before rubbing her head where the pain is still searing into her skull. Approaching footsteps rapidly hit the bricks and she turns her face upward just in time to see Draco and Pansy joining them.

He asks if she is okay, bewilderment colors his voice.

Hermione reassures him that she's fine.

"I just need some rest," she says. And some time to investigate my findings.

"Did something happen?" Pansy looks at Ron and he replies.

"Everything went fine. I saw their leader and figured I'd get Hermione to safety but when I found her, she was near faint. So we left the others."

"It was stupid to even let you go, 'Mi. I knew I should've gone."

Hermione blushes hotly. While she did get the information they were looking for, she placed herself and her child in a dangerous situation. Merlin knows what could have happened if Ron hadn't shown up.

"It's fine. I saw her. The woman who leads the werewolves works with Kingsley. I saw her when I went to the Ministry. I just needed confirmation." A whooshing echoes in her ears and she stumbles forward, catching herself on Pansy's arm.

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