08 | episkey

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C H A P T E R  E I G H T | episkey

spell. heals minor injuries.


HERMIONE HOLDS HER BREATH as she pulls her shirt above her belly button. She is lying in a dimly lit room inside a facility with only Pansy by her side and a stranger about to examine her for a possible pregnancy. To say she is nervous is an understatement; her insides are rolling in anticipation. She'd give anything to have her mother with her. Even Ginny would be expected.

"Breathe, dear. You'll only make yourself feel worse if you forget to breathe." Emsilia, Pansy's recommended OBGYN, rests the palm of her hand against Hermione's arm. It is cool like porcelain, a calming sensation then washes over the girl.

Hermione seems to breathe a bit easier so Emsilia firmly grasps her wand once more and touches the tip to the young woman's lower abdomen. She explains that she'll use her wand and a screen like that found on a television to find and show the fetus. Emsilia is comforting every step of the way and Hermione says she's ready.

"Comnis oculus."

A golden orb blossoms from the tip of Emsilia's wand. It vanishes into Hermione's middle. Then, the screen beside them lights up suddenly, shifting from unwavering black to a hazy gray.

"I wish we had always had this contraption. It's just so fun." Emsilia studies the screen intently, maneuvering her wand until she stops with a gasp.

"There is your fetus, Miss Granger. They look healthy as far as I can tell."

There is a small gummy bear-shaped image in the sea of static. Her eyes hungrily scan every inch of the shape on the screen; her heart pattering against her chest like a jackhammer. She wonders if this is the feeling of true love. All the bad of the last several years dissipates at the sight of her child.

"You're around two months along. By your next appointment, I can tell you the sex. Isn't that simply exhilarating?"

Emsilia creates a moving photograph of the ultrasound, giving it to Hermione when she is proper again. She asks Hermione if she can say a spell over her and the baby. When Hermione looks at her oddly, Emsilia explains.

"This unique spell has been passed down through generations of my family. Not only will it promote healing and cleansing of the soul, but it will also offer temporary protection as you settle into new motherhood."

Hermione can't see a reason to deny the woman so she accepts. She says that maybe it will help with the awful morning sickness.

Emsilia says that will be taken care of. She smiles and steps toward Hermione. She raises her wand and she points it at Hermione's forehead.

"Munda sana protegere hocmatrem suam." Her voice is soft and enchanting.

Hermione closes her eyes as she listens to the spell but when it stops, her head begins to pound. She breaks out into a cold sweat. When she opens her eyes, her vision begins to go white. She stumbles forward, calling to Pansy. She is awake for the entirety of the episode but in her state, she sees imagery playing in her mind. She's at the Ministry and she knows this because Kingsley is standing before her. That's right, she'd gone there for her interview. Then she sees it. In his hand is a pale wand and it is directed at her. She tries to ask him what he's doing but the words never come out. This is not a lucid dream where she can manipulate the events; this is an obliviated memory. Everything she is seeing has already happened.

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