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Hello, my lovelies! Long time, no see. I come bearing news!

So, I know a lot of you have been wondering. Well, the question has officially been answered. Yes, I am making a sequel to Antidote.

*mic drop*

How do you all like that idea? I know they always say that the sequels aren't as good as the originals, but I honestly feel like this sequel is going to be better than Antidote because I have learned a lot about writing since I wrote this book. I can write a lot better now and so I feel like I can make a sequel that's actually better than the original. 

I have not published the sequel to Wattpad yet; I've only just started writing it. I mean, yes, technically, I already have 40ish pages on Google Docs, but who's counting? Anyways. I will be publishing the first chapter of the sequel to Wattpad as soon as I can make a cover that suits me and a description that I like. It shouldn't be too long of a wait. 

The sequel is called Piece by Piece and it's about Alex and Tristan's daughter, Reese. It might surprise some of you, the way I write it, but hopefully it will be liked. 

I hope you all like the sequel and I can't wait to publish it and get your feedback! Remember, I love hearing from you, so don't hesitate to comment, vote, share, etc. 

And if you want to talk about anything at all, if you're bored, if you have comments or criticism, or if you ever need someone to talk to and help you, please message me. My inbox is always open, and I'm willing to talk to you about anything you want, or just listen while you rant or tell me a story. I'm good at listening without a reply, too, if that's what you want. My point is, please don't hesitate to drop me a message in my inbox if you have anything at all to say to me or especially if you need someone. I'm always here.

Stay strong, my lovelies! Until next time.

All my love,


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