Chapter 16

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The next day, my mother knocks on my door early. I tell her to come in, forgetting about my fight last night. Quickly I try to turn to face the wall, but she catches sight of my busted lip and comes closer to inspect me. Luckily, she doesn't notice the scars, since I'm still wearing my hoodie. She takes in my appearance and asks, "What in the world have you been doing?" "I'm fine," I assure her. "The baby's fine, too." "Answer my question," my mother demands. "Street fight," I say. She sighs and shakes her head. "Why, sweetie? If you want more money, get another job. Don't endanger yourself this way." "It's not for the money," I say. "I just liked it. You remember, I used to to do it before, so why not now?" "You're pregnant, for heaven's sake!" my mom cries, throwing her hands in the air while looking fondly at my slight baby bump. "It's okay," I say. "It's safe." Mom considers it; Finally she nods and changes the topic to our upcoming summer trip to my hometown: Mobile, Alabama.

"I've got the house," she says. "It's right on the beach and close to the town." I nod. "Another thing..." she hesitates. "What is it?" I ask, snapping to attention. "I'm rather close friends with Mrs. Brittany Daniels. She has a son your age and her daughter Reese is the one you babysat." I nod again and quickly explain how I know Reese, Brittany, and Tristan. When I'm finished, my mom says, "Well, I'm glad you know them so well, because Brittany needs to go out of the country for the summer." "So?" I say, alarmed. "She's seeing someone there," Mom continues. "And she doesn't want her children to see him yet, until things get more serious, because it may come as a shock to their systems." I stay silent, knowing what she's proposing.

"And she's asked if we might take Tristan and Reese with us over the summer."

My face goes pale as she says, "I said it was okay, is it okay with you too?" I wonder what to do. I can't spend a summer with my long-time crush! It'd be torture! But my mother thinks we're all friends, so she'll want an explanation if I tell her no. Not to mention that my refusal would really hurt Brittany's feelings. I sigh in defeat, knowing I have to step up and be brave, for her sake. I raise my head to look my mother in the eye. Through wooden lips, I mumble, "It's fine with me."


After Mom leaves, I remember that we are going to Alabama. Alabama as in where my old best friend, Lisa Martinez, lives. We used to live there until two years ago. We had to leave everything behind when we left, including my bestie. We were enrolled in the WPP (Witness Protection Program) for the murder of my father. Therefore, we had to move to a different state, take new last names, and not contact anyone who knew my father. So I haven't talked to Lisa in two years, but now I can. She'll be thrilled that we're coming, I'm sure. She loved me. She knew about my depression and, eventually self harm, before anyone else. She even made us signature grey hoodies so that I could wear it all the time and cover my scars. And that's when our adventures started.

Back then, as surprising as it may sound, we were labeled as "badgirls", the town hoods. Mobile is a rather small town, so word got around pretty fast. A lot of people feared us and kept away from us, even though we would never purposefully harm someone. We weren't that bad. We did do some pretty wild (and hilarious) shit, though. We shoplifted, drank at wild parties, rode motorcycles everywhere, went to and fought in countless street fights, and vandalized public places and a few select homes. We've both lost our virginity and she's got two tattoos and multiple piercings. I've only got a belly-button piercing.

Now that we're going back, Lisa and I can probably reconnect and relive those glory days. I pick up my phone, scrolling through all of my contacts. Even though I couldn't communicate with her after the murder, I think I still have her cell number somewhere in my phone.

Aha! I found it! Quickly I dial the long-distance number and wait.

She answers in her usual sparkly tone. "Hello!" "Guess who?" I ask, giggling like a little seventh grader. I hear an audible gasp from the other end. "No way!" "Way!" "How...what...when....who....what?" I laugh aloud. Quickly I catch Lisa up to speed, telling her about Sarah and my other friends, Tristan and Reese, Claire and Amanda, and the rape. She listens quietly. "So how's life down there?" I ask when I'm finished explaining everything, including our summer trip and how Tristan and Reese are coming with us. "Pretty good," Lisa replies. "My old man's not paying much attention to me anymore and I've got this house I'm living in down on Main Street." I heave a sigh of relief.

Lisa's father abused her back when we were friends, and she was constantly hanging out with me at my house to avoid him. Her mother died about five years ago, and her father still blames Lisa for her death. So I'm very glad that she's managed to get her own place and that her father's stopped abusing her. Let the dirty scumbag drown in his booze bottles.

"How are you getting money?" I ask her, curious. Because of our records, I don't know anyone who'd hire either of us. I can hear the smile in her voice as she says, "I'm working at that old nursing home my mom was in. Because of her, the manager decided to give me a chance. It's bringing in enough money to get me by."

I smile at this. While we do like to have fun, we still do good deeds and hold steady jobs. But, of course, public opinion only focused on our bad sides.

By the time we hang up, I'm very excited for our trip, even if Tristan will be there. I hadn't realized until now just how much I've missed getting in trouble. I miss Lisa. Soon we'll be there, and I can't wait. Before we said our goodbyes, Lisa promised me that we'll get back into our places as the town hoods. In other words, I'm going to have a very exciting summer, and not just because of Tristan.

AN: PLOT TWIST!!!! How do you guys like Lisa??? Comment below!! And don't forget to vote!!

All my love,


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