Chapter 21

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"Stitches?! But it's just a little cut!" I protest. In truth, I'm scared silly of going to the hospital. I hate needles. I cried at every vaccination as a child. And I certainly don't want Tristan to see how afraid of them I am. Plus, what if they put me in one of those dinky hospital gowns? Not only will I look stupid and pathetic to Tristan in one of those, but I'm pretty sure they're short-sleeved, so what would I do about my cuts?!  Okay, calm down, Alex, I tell myself. You probably won't have to wear one.

"Sorry, Alex," Tristan says, jarring me from my worries. He leans in closer and whispers in my ear, (a very sexy whisper I might add) "Doctor's orders." I scoff at him and get up, stumbling a bit before I regain my normal gait. "Tristan, it's little more than a cut. I do not need stitches." He shakes his head and grabs onto my wrist. I wince in pain as his thumb hits one of my cuts, but he doesn't notice. Instead he drags me along until we get to where Lisa has rigged up a contraption that will make a whole bucket of oil fall on the person who opens the door tomorrow morning. Despite my current predicament, I laugh. Only Lisa.

Tristan calls for her and she comes running from behind the house, carrying her sacks. Breathlessly, she approaches us. "What is it? Are you finished already?" After a second or two she asks, "Alex, what happened to your lip?" Quickly Tristan explains what happened. To my dismay, Lisa agrees with him about taking me to the ER for stitches. As Tristan runs to my motorcycle to start it up, I hang behind to talk to Lisa.

"Lisa! What if they put me in a hospital gown? He'll see the scars!" Lisa looks at me astonished. "You mean you haven't told him?" "No!" "Alex! You need to tell him!" "Now's not the time to be discussing this," I remind her. She nods and then says, "I know a person who works on the staff. I'll make sure you don't have to wear a hospital gown. Besides, this whole thing shouldn't take that long anyways." Relieved, I throw my arms around her and we both walk to our motorcycles.

I hop on mine, this time letting Tristan drive. I hook my arms around his waist, trying not to squeal from the contact. He quickly speeds off towards Memorial Hospital, Lisa following close behind.

When we get there, Tristan INSISTS on carrying me through the ER entrance. We probably look like two idiots as he sets me down long enough to give the ER nurse my information. Lisa comes up beside me and puts an arm around my shoulders. "So, you really like him, huh?" she whispers in my ear. I feel my cheeks go pink and I whisper back, "Yeah." "Well, he certainly looks like a real catch," Lisa says. I punch her and she smiles.

"Miss Foster?" the nurse calls out. "You're up next." Oh, great. Here we go. I follow her into a white, sterile room where a doctor is waiting.

Lisa gives my hand a squeeze and Tristan pats me awkwardly. I shut my eyes. I hear music playing in the background, over the doctor's murmurs. Oh my god, really?! I roll my eyes and stifle a laugh when I figure out what the song is. Stitches by Shawn Mendes. How incredibly ironic. And true...

The doctor quickly cleans and numbs my lip, then checks for dirt and debris before beginning the procedure.


A few hours later, my stitches are in and I'm headed home with a regimen of antibiotic shit the doctor insisted I have. At least they didn't have to call my mom. That would've been embarrassing. Tristan already saw me in fear while the doctor sewed my lip up. It was a painless procedure, but still. I think I'm going to be even more afraid of needles now. And it didn't help that Tristan took a picture of my face, which probably looked terrible and portrayed my fear, and posted it on Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, and Facebook. Yeah. I will say no more about that. Anyways, the good news is, the doctor said that I wouldn't have to have stitches removed. They're that weird kind that dissolve over time, so you don't have to worry about coming back. I think it was the doctor's way of saying, "Get the fuck out and stay out!"

We arrive at the beach house and after bidding Lisa goodbye, we slip silently inside. I go to my room, change, and almost immediately fall asleep.


Tristan's p.o.v.

Wow. Just wow. We go to vandalize a house and end up in the ER! I guess their stunts really are kind of unpredictable. To be honest, I didn't really believe that Alex and Lisa were all that bad. Boy, was I wrong! Sometimes I just don't understand Alex. She's not scared to wreck a boy's house at 2:00 am in the morning, but she's scared of needles. Her face was priceless! I'm so glad I snapped a picture and posted it, even if it did mortify her. Anyways, back to my original point. I'm still amazed at the fact that she and Lisa were, and apparently still are, hoods. I always thought of Alex as that good girl who'd cry if she got a B. It just goes to show you not to judge people and jump to conclusions about them. Now that I'm seeing the wild side of Alex, I rather like it. It's interesting how she can have two utterly different personalities and still be her. Everybody knows what I'm classified as, but I wonder how people would classify Alex if they could've seen her tonight. I love this new persona she's got going. This may sound cheesy, but she reminds me of the girl in my tenth favorite song, Angel Eyes by Love and Theft.

And I can't stop wonderin'

What it would feel like to hold her all night

She's got that something

That sexy innocence

She must be heaven sent

Yeah, there's a little bit of devil in her angel eyes

She's a little bit of heaven with a wild side

Got a rebel heart a country mile wide

There's a little bit of devil in her angel eyes

There's a little bit of devil in those angel eyes

She's a little bit of heaven with a wild side

Got a rebel heart a country mile wide

There's a little bit of devil in her angel eyes

There's a little bit of devil in her

In those angel, in those angel,


You see what I'm getting at? She's so....interesting. This new side of her is absolutely amazing. And I have to admit, I'm attracted to it. A lot....

AN: FINALLY!!! WE'RE FINALLY HEADED TOWARDS SOME ROMANCE HERE, FOLKS! But, I'm warning you, you never know what to expect with my books! So the romance might not be between her and Tristan.......Just saying. The next chapter or the next one after that is definitely going to surprise all of you. Be ready for it! Anyways, comment how you liked it and don't forget to vote!

All my love,


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