Chapter 29

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A burst of passion escapes me and I kiss him back, hungrily. My arms wind around his neck, and I bury my hands in his hair. Tristan's hands float down to grip my hips. His tongue pushes between my lips and I grant him his access. Bathing in the glory of finally kissing him, I hold on for as long as I can, relishing on the sweet taste of his lips on mine. Finally! I've been waiting on this kiss for so freaking long!

Tristan pushes me against the wall, coming closer and closer, until our bodies are practically molded together. I push my lips harder against his, hungry for his taste. "I love you," I breath breathlessly against his kiss. He presses me even closer, if that's possible, and moves his lips down to my neck, sucking on it. I bite my lip to hold back a moan. Then Tristan moves back up to my lips and envelopes me in one more breathtakingly beautiful kiss before we both pull apart for air.

"That was amazing," he says, resting his forehead against mine. "Yeah," I say, still dazed by the fact that I just kissed Tristan freaking Daniels. And it was...





The Best.



And every other word in the English language that means good. So, it's natural that I'm just a bit dazed after that kiss. Tristan looks at me, eyes dancing. "You wanna do it again?" "You bet," I reply, slipping into his arms as he envelopes me in a long, sweet kiss.


Hannah's p.o.v.

"Look, Lisa, they're kissing!" She jerks her head up from the ground and rushes over to the window. "See? There they are!" "Yes!" She pumps her fist in the air. "I knew it!" Suddenly her eyes widen and she points. "Look, Hannah! Alex has her hoodie off!" I gasp in surprise. "She told him! She told Tristan that she cut!" Lisa smiles. "I knew she would." I smile back at her as I slip into the familiar comfort of her arms. "Okay, Lisa, let's stop spying on them now. Obviously, they're gonna make out. If there's one kiss, there's gonna be more." She nods in agreement as she shifts me in her lap.

"Am I too heavy?" I ask her worriedly. "I can get off." "No, it's fine." Lisa waves away my concerns with a toss of her hair. I can't help myself; I stare. She turns to look at me, smirking. "If you keep looking at me like that, we'll never get around to going outside and talking to them." "No, we won't," I agree.
"But I'm okay with that."


Tristan's p.o.v.

Wow. Out of all the girls I've ever kissed, that was my favorite one. It was something else, for sure. Man, I loved it! It was so perfect! Dear god, I sound like a girl. But it's true. All her kiss made me want to do was kiss her again. So I did.

Alex's p.o.v.

Wrapped in love, I press my lips harder to Tristan's. It's our third kiss of the day, and I'd be content to stay like this my whole life, just sitting here and kissing Tristan. A loud moan escapes me as he sucks on my bottom lip a little bit, and I feel him grin through our kiss. I smile back, then dive in towards his neck, sucking the skin and giving him a hickey to match my own. I'm further rewarded when he moans, a sound that's sexier than anything I've ever heard before. I work my way downwards, peppering his neck with kisses. I place a sound one right on his collarbone. When I'm finished he moves his lips to my neck as if to say, My turn now.

He goes around my neck, giving me soft, light kisses that make my skin tingle. He nibbles slightly on my ear, making me moan softly. Then, he does something completely unexpected. He picks up my arm and kisses every single scar, individually. My eyes water at the sweetness of his gesture, and I don't wait for an invitation to press my lips to his when he comes up. He wraps his arms around me, bringing me closer. I seal my mouth to his, letting him feel the ferocity of my hunger for him.

I bury my hands in his hair as our tongues mangle together, exploring the depths of each other's mouths. Our battle for dominance ends with my victory and I suck slowly on his tongue, causing him to moan as loud as a car siren. My skin is practically on fire, and I feel like the temperature of our bodies pressed together is much hotter than normal Alabama weather. My heartbeat has increased considerably, and I feel like it might pound out of my chest any minute. My breathing comes in quick, short gasps. Wrapped in the throes of our passion for each other, I've never been happier.


By the time we've finished our heavy make out, it's almost dusk and our clothes and hair look incredibly messed up. We pause at the door of our beach house. I throw my hoodie on and smooth my shorts, so they're not so wrinkled. Tristan tries to straighten his shorts and shirt, too. I fix my hair as best I can, fixing Tristan's too. We're about to go in, as I realize that Tristan has marks from my lipstick all over his face and neck. I look at him and he shrugs. We've both got hickeys anyway, so everyone will know we've been making out for most of the afternoon.

Tristan opens the door for me and I slip inside. He follows after me. We go our separate ways and I make my way to my room. The door is closed, but I can hear girly giggles coming from inside. I smile to myself and think, either Hannah and Lisa are playing some sort of game, or Lisa's cornered another broad to take in. I forgot to mention, Lisa is bisexual, but hasn't dated a girl in a while because of Trent. I open the door, and the sight I see shocks me.

Lisa and Hannah are on my bed, their clothes rumpled and their hair a mess. And they're  wrapped in a passionate kiss.

"Lisa, Hannah, I didn't know you two were dating!" I squeal as I wrap my arms around them both. They nod, smiling happily. "I'm so happy for you!" I exclaim. "But, could you make out somewhere else? This is my room, you know." They nod and stand up. "So, how'd it go with Tristan?" Hannah squeals. I grin at the memory. "What do you mean, how'd it go? Knowing you two, you were watching out the window." "Guilty as charged," Lisa confesses. I smile and give them both one last hug before shooing them out the door.

Still smiling giddily, I change for bed and pull the covers over my head. I love feeling this happy. It's absolutely the best feeling in the world.

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