Chapter 5 - Visitors

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Louis' POV

"Hello Harry's baby, you don't know me but just look after harry. Go easy and be nice to him. I know you lost your mum, but you never met her. But harry, Harry fell in love with her and knew her-" I had tears welling up in my eyes, before a sneeze interrupted me.

"Oh I'm sorry, that's was such a nice speech." She said.

"And you are?" I questioned.

"Oh, Charlotte Eyre. I'm Harry's, best friends girlfriend."

The girl with brown hair, that's ginger at the bottom. She stood in the door way admiring me with Harry's baby.

"Liam," she said. I cocked my head to the side in a questioning way. "The baby." She said simply which I understood.

"Oh yeah Harry never told his name." I replied, with a smirk. I looked back at Liam, then back at Charlotte. She seemed to be paying attention to something down the hall. I got up and pushed my way through the doorway, on my crutches, to see a blonde girl talking to a boy with blonde hair with brown roots. I could only just make out what they where talking about.

"What are you doing here...?" The boy said, with a name at the end which I couldn't make out. Charlotte gasped a slowly made her made her way over to them, when she got there she placed her hand on the boys shoulder. He gave her a quick glance and a half hearted smile, before going back to the woman.

"I'm alou..." She said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, but you le..." The boy snapped back. "Why would you... After you... For your job."

"Well-" she cut herself off by shouting to someone else. "Charlotte! You see..." She carried on but ended up mumbling at the end.

Charlotte walked to stand by the blonde boy, and he snaked his arm around her waist.

"Leave now, Taylor."

Zayns POV

We just got back from the shops to buy a few baby stuff, which wasn't easy with a crying Harry on my shoulder. We only brought a few clothes and teddies, because Harry and her decorated the bedroom a few weeks ago. We also got some food, because there was absolutely no food in the house since he hasn't even been here in a month. He hasn't even got clothes he made us go and get them.

Right now he was in the bathroom having a shower and I was watching friends. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate, I fished into my pocket to retrieve the vibrating phone. I just opened up my phone with my eyes glued to to friends.

"How you doin'?" Rang through my ears, to be honest I may have used that on a few girls. I took a quick glance down to my phone, and my eyes bulged out of my sockets.

From Niall

She's back.

Two simple words, but very important.

Why was she back?

She left for her job?

Does she want to see Liam?

Or Harry?

Harry, I looked up to the landing, before rushing up there. I ran upstairs to the bathroom, and pressed my ear against it. To find no sound.

No shower.

No crying.

No nothing.

I panicked, and banged on the door trying to unlock it. After a few seconds of trying I screamed through the wood.





"IM COMING IN NOW! HARRY!" It sounded more of a question when I screamed Harry, but still


That's it, I used my right shoulder and threw myself at the door. I repeated it before it finally flew open to,

a crimson pool around Harry on the floor.


Please don't hate me, I felt horrible writing this 😫

I'm sorry.

Left with Baby Batman (Baby Liam! Larry)Where stories live. Discover now