Left with Baby Batman

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Hi it's sian, this is my new book just let me know what you think.


Harry's POV

I was sat on my sofa with the remote control in one hand and in the other a beer. I was watching Doncaster Rovers v Celtics, screaming every once in a while. Jones passes it Tomlinson. Tomlinson shoots, HE SCORES!!! "Yes! Get in!" I scream in excitement.

"Honey, did you team score?" Taylor questioned from the kitchen.

"Yeah, Louis just scored," I replied. Taylor came in and made the sofa dip when she sat down. She is 8 months pregnant, I can she her frustration with this pregnancy. She gets so mad at me so easily just for the littlest things, just the other day she screamed at me for getting the wrong milk. What's so important about milk? But I still love her, and I would never hurt her.


I walked through my front door. The apartment seemed empty, there was a uncomfortable feeling. The apartment was silent, until I heard a quiet sob emerge from upstairs. "Babe?" I called. I closed the door and placed my keys in the bowl. "Baby?" I questioned the apartment again. I crept towards the weeping, I moved towards my en suite bathroom I looked through the ajar door to see Taylor with her face in her knees. I walked over to her, I put a hand on her shoulder and crouched beside her. She was startled by touch at first, but she lifted herself up onto the edge of the bath. I remained crouched on the floor, but I shifted myself round to face her. I caressed her cheek, she looked up for a split second but in that second I saw her eyes weren't the pools of baby blue, they were a steel grey piercing my heart knowing she was in distress. She was looking down at her lap, and in the corner of my eye I saw a pregnancy test in her hand. I snatched it from her and stood up, with my hands running through my curls. My eyes widened and my mouth made the shape of an 'O'. She saw my expression and made a loud sob. Then I was hugging her within a heartbeat. "It's going to be alright." I cooed her.

"How's it going to be alright? What about my parents? What are they going to say?" She sobbed while panicking.

"Look at me," I asked, she reluctantly looked up, and hers eyes softened as soon as she looked into my green orbs. "I love you and I will always stay with you no matter what. I love you. I want to wake up to you every morning, and go to sleep with you every night. I want to grow old with you and die with you right next to me. I want to live a wonderfully long and happy life with you. I want to help raise our baby through the first step, first word, potty training, late nights, early mornings and the nappies. You name it I'll be here for you, but probably not the early mornings though, I need my sleep," I said with glassy eyes and a smirk, which made her chuckle quietly. "Every day I spend with you is special, and I want that for the rest of my life. I want to make you happy in every way possible. You're the reason I wake up in the morning." I took a deep breath, reached into my pocket and got down on one knee. I opened to reveal a diamond ring, which made her gasp. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" She screamed. I placed the ring on her finger and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I swung her round.

"I love you."

"I love you to." I said with a smirk. I smashed our lips together.

\\\\\\\\End of flashback///////

"Isn't that a good thing?" She questioned me, I raised an eyebrow and cocked my head to the side. "You don't seem very happy? And it was your favourite player who just scored. What is it honey?" She questioned again.

Left with Baby Batman (Baby Liam! Larry)Where stories live. Discover now