Chapter 12 - You b*tch

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Taylor's POV

"To make Harry miserable, and it worked." I smirked.

"He never deserved you, you b*tch." She said just above a whisper. With my hands still around her throat she gave up, and she looked peaceful. It was like my hands were supporting her head to look up at the ceiling and I couldn't sense any other movement of her I decided to finally relieve a bit of strain on her neck so I loosened my hands. This is when her head fell to the ground with a light thump.

"Selena?" I questioned with a crack in my voice. "Selena?" Again I questioned just below a whisper.

I got off of Selena taking my one of my two hands of her neck. I checked her pulse, but I couldn't find it. In a rush I tried finding her pulse while the tears of realisation of what I just did hit me. I killed her.

I scrambled away from the body to curl up in a ball while my back was against the side of the sofa. For a moment a silence took over the room, as it had stopped crying almost as if it sensed the situation which was strange. This made me look up towards the thing. It just sat there looking upon the situation with a confused face. It crawled to the lifeless body in the middle of the room. This thing was smart for nearly a month old baby.

It sat next to the body looking at it in awe. The baby thing was sat to the right of her neck. It's baby hands explored her face avoiding her open eyes. Next the chubby hands went to her hair which was wavy, he picked up some of the hair which fell back to the floor straight away. Instead he combed her hair with his hands along the floor. The curious expression had some what faded into a neutral one.

I just sat there watching him-IT.

The thing put his hands on her chin to support himse-ITSELF up. Standing on its two legs with still support from its hands on her chin. He let go of her chin standing straight up. I could see his rib cage through his t-shirt. It's rib cage I corrected myself once again. He-it was starving I smirked. I focuses back on the creature with my head lifted from my knees. The thing stood for a total of two seconds before getting tangled in her hair and falling on her neck. His arms-it's arms were wrapped around her neck like was hugging her. He moved his legs a little bit which turned his towards me. His eyes were closed but the side of his face rested along her neck he stayed like that for a few seconds. He look happy, content to be next to his auntie. He lifted his head up and opened his eyes, his eyes were watering almost silent crying as almost as if he had realised she is dead. He looked at me as if he knew that I did it. He cried more silently while he closed his eyes again and cuddled up to the corpse lying in the middle of the bland room. He was cuddled up to the body as if it was his mother-

This thought made me pick up the little child in an instant. This made the thing scream and cry. I sat down roughly holding the baby against me. It struggled and kicked to try and get away from me. This carried on for a couple minutes, until I gave up and pushed the thing off my lap onto the floor. It fell to the floor with a thump but nothing followed other than silence.

Charlottes POV

I sat on my couch in my apartment watching tv and eating everything hopefully just to make forget about this situation I had decided to abort I thought as the tears were rolling down my face. I can't believe this its just so surreal, I just don't know what to do anymore.

I had been sat on this sofa for more than a week. I had been watching reruns after reruns of friends, the big bang theory and I even hit a rock bottom and started watching made in Chelsea to compare my life too, which does make me feel a lot better.

A knock pulled me out of my thoughts. This brought me back into reality and I decided to stand up. I gradually stood putting my weight on my feet after a while. I let my feet walk me to my hallway were the front door was at the end of the hall. I walked towards the door getting a quick glimpse of myself. This made me look back again at the mirror. There I was. I stared at my brown not brushed hair through my greeny-blue eyes. I noticed my- well Niall's hoodie was a bit creased. After this 2 minute gaze I was in, I was brought out of my thoughts once again by another louder knock. This time I went straight to the door. Just as my hand was about to turn the door handle there was another but louder knock followed by a loud yell of "Charlotte!" In a panicked tone. This made me wonder could he not hear my footsteps, that's cool I should become a hero or something. Ok I need to open this door, pull yourself together Charlotte.

I opened the door to a person with a blond quiff and a relieved face. I knew who this person was.

"Charlotte!" He screamed and picked me up in a hug. His emotion had changed very quickly, but I guessed that he was happy. I think. He put me back keeping his hands on my waist but he was bending at his knees so he could look me in the eyes (as he like 6ft 4). "Hey, you all right?" He questioned sensing my mood.

"Yeah I'm fine Luke." I answered in a monotone and cracked a little smile at the end. I gently pushed his hands off my hips and turned around to start walking back towards my den of food, tv and comfyness. Yes comfyness, I made it up as I have nothing else to do now.

"Charlotte?" He questioned following. "Hey." He sped up to jump in front of me. "Hey." He repeated as he looked into my eyes once again. He brought his hand to my face and pulled a strand away. "Beautiful." He knows me so well. He can tell that I'm upset. I burst into tears and placed my head on his chest. He's taken back for a second but then wraps his arms around my body.

"I-" I try to speak through the tears m but get cut off by his 'shhhh'ing. We just stood in the hallway hugging for a few minutes. Relaxed on his chest, I closed my eyes to try and stop the tears.

"Come on you." He whispered in a gentle tone. Then he left one of his hands on my back to support it when he put his other arm behind my knees to pick me up. I kept curled up to his chest with my eyes closed. He walked quietly and gently to try and not disturb me as he can see I'm tired. He sat down on the couch and cuddles with me. I was so close going into a sleep but Luke said something. He must've thought I was asleep as he spoke.

He places his hand on my stomach and said "I love you Charlotte," He whispered, wait what? "And I'll never leave you and our baby." I felt a tear drop onto my check, then a kiss on my head.

Wait what! Is there something I missed?!


Hiya I'm so sorry about the story in just trying to make it exciting. I'll also include some Larry next chapter and as I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks soon and I'm going to be writing for all my stories, but there's no internet so they'll be quite long chapters and a lot of updates hopefully. Thanks for reading please vote, comment, follow and share xxxxxx

~Siân x~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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