Chapter Twenty-Four

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Veronica insisted that she take me shopping to decorate my shed so it would be 'bedroom' worthy, no matter how many times I denied it. After my shed was put back together in Allen's backyard, Veronica dragged me to a fancy furniture store. She was still defying her mother, spending money whenever she wanted, and here we were if she wanted to defy her mom, this was one of the biggest ways to do it. She started pointing out nice mattresses and bed sheets. She wouldn't let me say no to anything, so I picked out a full-size mattress and some bedding that had sea green patterns, we picked out some nice fairy lights and two matching lamps for the matching bed tables, along with some nice wallpaper. We grabbed some frames and a medium sized desk. The last things we bought were small cabinets for my mugs and some plates and some counter like things.

We had everything delivered to Allen's house and he helped me and Veronica move everything, when we got to the shed, we found Betty, Archie, and Jughead with pizza, sodas, and a radio. I laugh and shake my head. "Let's get this room ready!" I laugh and pump my fist up. I find that dad and Allen had insulated the shed. My friends and I pile into my shed and first, we put up the wallpaper, listening to some pop music. After the wallpaper is put up, we start putting together the bed and I dress it in the new bedding, then smooth it over while the others put up the fairy lights above the bed and slide the desk into one of the corners, across from the counter, Allen came in and screwed the cabinets in, and he asked how we were doing. We told him well, and that we were almost done.

When the final touches were added, my coffee mugs in the cabinets and coffee maker on the counter with it brewing, and the lamps turned on, we all plop onto my bed with a few slices of pizza. I lay my head on Jughead's chest and look at my ceiling, I had one of the lofts removed so I could have a bit more head space. The loft above my mini kitchen had the other mattress in case anyone wanted to sleep over. "I call dibs on first to sign all of your yearbooks," Veronica said. I laugh and sigh. "Okay, but don't do anything dumb like 'have a great summer' or 'see you next year' I would be fine with just you signing your name." Betty agreed. "You are coming back next year, right, Hope?" Archie asked. "I hope so, if those strings mom pulled don't work out then I will have to go to Southside High, and that is something I never want to do again." I laugh, coldly.

"Then you won't have to," Veronica said. "You could use my address, and still go to school at Riverdale," she insisted. "I think everything will work out, but thanks for the offer." I smile at her. "Anytime, we aren't going to lose you without a fight," she smirked. "Now, I have to get home, and I am Betty's ride, so we are going to go. I will see you on Monday," she said and hugged me. Archie soon left and it was just me and Jughead, again. I smile at him and kiss him on his soft lips. He smiled at me. "Thank you for the help, Jug," I say and he nodded. "Of course, anything to make you more comfortable." I kiss him again and we lay on the bed in comfortable silence.

I was half asleep, and I felt like I was drunk, like a sleep drunk. "Jughead?" I say and look up at him, he was still staring at the ceiling, but he looked at me with a smile. "Yeah, beautiful?" he asked. "Do you think mom and dad ever really wanted me?" I ask him, and his face falls. "Hope, don't talk like that. If they didn't want you then they wouldn't have adopted you. Of course, they wanted you, and I am glad they do, because if they didn't want you, then I might not have met you." I smile tiredly. "I am glad I was adopted, even if my parents didn't want to give me up, they wanted me to have a good life. And I have a good life now. I love you Jug." he kissed my head. "I love you too, Hope." His arms found their way around my waist, and his chest was my pillow. We lay there like that until Jughead said something to me that I couldn't comprehend and I felt him leave, making me cold.

"Nu!" I whine tiredly, reaching out to grab Jughead's arm. I could hear Jughead chuckle. "Go to sleep, beautiful. I will see you tomorrow, I have to go, I love you." I shake my head. "No, you are warm," I complain and he wrapped my blankets around me, and kissed my head before walking out of the shed. My eyes could hardly stay open so I fall into a cold sleep, despite my new bedding.

I was looking at the front door, suitcases and boxes were being moved out of the house by strangers. I was a little girl, probably ten, grinning to myself. "This is going to be a big adventure, little girl!" dad laughed and picked me up, placing me on his shoulders. I giggle, but it was interrupted by a loud crack of thunder, but it was bright and sunny outside, not a cloud in the sky. "What is wrong sweetie?" he asked me, looking up. "Storm," I whimper. "There isn't any storm honey." he set me down and picked up a few boxes. "I have to finish packing up, stay here and I will be back when I am done," he said and I nod, and decide to say goodbye to my room. I walk to my old room, it was a peach color that had drawings and paint all over them. In the doorway, there were notches, showing how much I had grown over five months.

I was in my room when I heard the moving van roar to life. There was another roar of thunder and a flash from outside, but it was still bright and sunny. I run to the door, which was wide open. Dad's car was gone, along with the moving van. I started crying, begging for my parents, and I ran outside. I was pelted with invisible rain, sobbing as I couldn't find my parents. I was alone, again, and this time no one would be there to save me.

I was being shaken awake, I open my eyes and find Allen looking down at me with concern all over his face. I sat up and Allen's eyes followed me. "What's wrong?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. "You were crying in your sleep, what happened?" I burn, I didn't want to tell him what happened in my dream. "Just a bad dream, I am fine. You should get to bed, Allen." he gave me a soft smile, "Well I am here if you ever want to talk about it. Goodnight Hope." I smile. "Night Al." he left, shutting and locking the door. I lean against the wall, contemplating my dream. I sigh and wipe the tears that were left on my cheeks. I was alone, they left me, almost like how it was before. I didn't want to tell Allen because he would feel guilty about leaving me. I didn't want that, so I kept it to myself.

Hey guys, I have been super busy these past few days, and I haven't been updating very much or writing. I hope you can forgive me, I will try to do something special, whether it be smut or fluff or whatever you guys want. Let me know what you want and I will attempt to do it. Also, I wanted to thank you guys, I am almost at a hundred reads, thank you guys so much! Thank you for reading, I will try to update again soon!

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