Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I walk into school, and everyone was talking about something, too busy to notice me. I wore one of Jughead's flannels that I stole, and black ripped jeans, nothing flashy, other than my serpent jacket. I went through the metal detectors without having to be patted down and headed to my old locker, there were a few notes scattered on it, which I push into a trash can and grab my school books. I hadn't been gone for long, and I wasn't very important or noticed at school, so I kind of expected this. Lee Blood came strolling up to me. "Hey, I see you are back where you belong," I roll my eyes. "I don't belong here, Lee, I think we both know that," he leaned against the locker beside mine. "But you could, you could belong... With me," he attempted. I shake my head, "I love Jughead, and he loves me, we can't be together because of that reason. And I won't lie and say I am sorry, because I am not sorry that I am with him. Please, accept that." I beg and walk to class. "Yeah, okay," he sounded hurt by it but he left it alone.

When I was at lunch, I sat alone again, a few students gave me glances but continued talking to one another. A paper airplane flew over to me, I open it and find; Hey bb, u new round here? I cld shw u round l8r. I look up and find some guy looking at me with a smirk, he must be the person to send it. I take a pen and write; Nope, not new, just returning. I have been here since kindergarten, idiot. So I don't need a tour. I finish and sweetly smile at him before sending the note back, and stand up. I look over my shoulder before knocking my tray into the trash. He looked furious, standing up to walk to me. I ran from him, causing a security guard to start running too. The guy that gave me the note rammed me into a wall. "Who do you think you are, calling me an idiot?!" he shouted. "Hey! What is going on?" the guard asked. "Sir he was harassing me! I feel uncomfortable around him!" I state and point to the guy, the guard glaring at both of us. "Okay, Mr. Jack could you please step away from Miss Thorne?" the guy looked at me surprised. "Wait, Thorne? Hope Thorne?!" the guy shrieked.

"Yes you idiot and you would have remembered that if you weren't one!"

"Now ma'am no need for insults."

"See! She started it, she deserves what is coming to her!" Jack shouted while being pushed back by the guard. I walk away, getting to class to get a head start, getting done with most of my homework by the start of class. As the class goes on, I heard my name probably once, and that was refreshing, it was nice. I take my notes not caring about anything, and a worksheet was placed in front of me. I smile and start doing the work. I answer the 20 problems and still had five minutes to spare. I pack my stuff up and stand up as the bell rang. I walk out and get to my locker, only one note was there. I sigh and open it, seeing an apology from Lee. I look at him from across the hall and nod to him, letting him know he was forgiven.

I walk home and lay on the couch. "Lily, could you sit on my back for a second?" I ask her. She nodded and laid on my back, making it pop under her weight, which wasn't very much. "Why?" she asked me, tilting her head. "Because I needed my back popped because it hurt. Thank you Lils," I say and feel her get off of my back. I groan and stuff my head in the pillow. "Hey kid, how was school? Make any friends?" dad asked, stirring taco meat. "Dad, you know I didn't," I say into the pillow, making my words jumbled together. He chuckled. "You are my daughter," I lift my head for a second and stick my tongue out at him and throw my head back onto the pillow. He laughed again and called me in for dinner. I had a burrito and the others had hard tacos. I heard the door and opened the door. "Miss Thorne?" Sheriff Keller asked. "Yeah, what is up, Sheriff?" I ask, holding the door open. "I am afraid, Hope, that I have to take you in for questioning. Would you mind?" he asked, I nod, but say I haven't done anything to deserve being questioned.

"Hope, I know. Just please just come to the station and we will sort this out." I call to dad saying I was leaving for a bit. I get into Sheriff's truck and pull out my phone, Jughead was texting me.

J: Hey beautiful, what are you doing tonight? I wanna cuddle.

I smile at the message and tell him I was going to the station, and Keller said not to worry Jughead about it. I furrow my eyebrows and tell Jug not to come. "What is the questioning about, exactly, Sheriff Keller?" I ask, "You will see when we get there." I hated how he was keeping me in the dark. I bounce my leg up and down, making the Sheriff chuckle. "What?" I ask. He shook his head. "Ah nothing, I just remember your dad doing that whenever I had to take him to the station. You shake the truck too, but not as bad as him." I smile slightly at the thought of how often I am compared to dad now. I have always been told I look like him, but now it is the little things, like my attitude or habits.

We pull up to the station and I asked if I needed to be handcuffed. He laughed, shaking his head. "No, Hope, you don't need to be handcuffed for this." I walked into the station and was asked to go to the cells. I saw FP leaning against the bars. "Hi FP, are you the person questioning me?" I ask, jokingly. "Yeah, I am." he said, in all seriousness. "I wanna talk to you about Jug. I yelled at him, making him mad and stop coming to see me. But I still want to keep an eye on my son. Could you-" I scoff and back away. "FP, if you are asking me to tell you what is going on in his life then you shouldn't have made him mad and told him to stop coming. You could be facing serious jail time for this, and you need to spend as much time with Jug as you can, all the time you can. And even if you don't go away for forever, you two can still look back at those memories, of you two together. So FP don't ask me what is going on in his life or to watch him every second of every day. I am his girlfriend and I will not lose that trust," I state. He smiled at me, it was lopsided.

"Hope, I wasn't going to ask you to be a spy for me. I just want you to watch after him when I go away. All I ask, you don't have to tell me what is going on." I relax a bit. "You know I will take care of him, he is one of the most important people in my life, and I want to make sure he is happier, and healthier than me." he nodded. "That is all I needed. Thank you Hope." I nod. "Anything for him, FP." he waved me off and I headed back home, and called Jug. "Hey, baby, where are you? Still wanna cuddle? I could use some warmth." I ask. "I am waiting for you to get to your room, I already have a movie pulled up, the coffee going, and heater on for you beautiful. And Silver is curled up next to my leg waiting for you as well." I sigh at the thought of being warm and snuggled against Jughead. "Have I told you how much I love you lately?" I ask him, he chuckled over the phone. "I love you to, get here soon, cause I miss you!" he whined, making me giggle. "I am almost home, babe. I will be there in a few minutes."

When I finally make it home I am freezing. I head straight for the shed, seeing light on in the shed, and smile. I open the door, then shut it when I am inside. It was nice and warm, I could feel my toes again. Jug was on my bed, holding Silver, who was now napping on his stomach where he laid. I giggle at the sight and take off my shoes and gently crawl onto the bed next to Jughead so I didn't wake Silver. I wanted to come home to this every day. "Hey beautiful, you ready for the movie?" he asked, sipping some coffee. I nod. "Yeah, let's watch before I fall asleep." he chuckled and pressed play on my laptop. I was curled up next to him, watching the movie and hearing occasional purrs from Silver the sleeping cat.

After Silver moved, I lay on top of Jughead, my head on his chest. He was rubbing small circles on my back and kissing my head. We were both half asleep, just staring at the laptop screen, not really paying attention to the plot at all. I look up at Jughead, his eyes were closed, I wondered if he had fallen asleep yet. I kiss his nose, and I saw him try to hide a smile and blush across his cheeks. I giggle and kiss his chin, making him redder and he couldn't hide the cute little smile. I went to kiss his cheek and he moved his head so my lips were on his. I laugh and continue kissing him. He ran a hand through my hair, which now fell half way down my back, my fingers tangled in his black locks, his hat falling off. We were grinning like mad in between kisses and embracing one another.

When we were tired, I place one more kiss to his lips and put my head on a pillow. Jughead wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. My back was against his chest and nuzzled his head into my neck. Soon enough, Silver joined me, laying against my stomach and we had a blanket covering all three of us. It was warm, comfortably warm, and I loved it, I loved this position, this is what I wanted for the rest of my life. I thought about that until I fell asleep, feeling Jughead's breath on my skin and hearing Silver's loud purrs.

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