Chapter Seven

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I wake up and lay on my bed for a little, and grab my phone from the charger. I look at it and see a message from last night. Hey Hope. It is Jughead. I never got your number so I asked Betty. Hope that is okay, I will see you tomorrow. I smile and text him, Hey Jug. I was asleep, and yeah it is alright. I will see you tonight. When are we going to meet? I saw him typing, and I got a giddy feeling in my stomach. I was thinking 6. Is that okay with you? He asked. Of course. I will see you then. I smile once more and go to the kitchen. I saw a note from Chris.


I went over to meet Kevin's dad, I will probably be really late, so don't freak out. Love you little sis. See you later.


I throw the paper in the trash and go to eat breakfast. I take out some cinnamon crunch and put it in a bowl, then fill the rest up with milk. I sit down and eat it quickly. I soon finished and washed it, setting it in the dish rack. I decide to put on a little makeup and get dressed. Since we were going to Pop's I wouldn't wear anything too fancy. I throw on a long sleeve snoopy shirt, jeans, and my converse. Then I put a light colored eyeshadow on and some clear lip gloss. I look at myself with my head tilted.

I need to do something with my hair. It is at my shoulders and has been down for a few days. I look at it and start playing with it. I didn't have anything I wanted to do with my hair so I left it down. I purse my lips and look at the clock. It was only 2. I groan, and figure that I could go work on some art for a bit. I take my phone and go to my shed. I played Perfect by Ed Sheeran and sang along while I painted. I painted rain on a car window on a city street while the street lights glow. Humming to myself, I didn't pay attention to anything else. I was almost done when I heard the door behind me. I jump and turn around. It was Jughead.

"Oh, Jughead. I thought you weren't coming until 5?" I say, cleaning my brush. "It is close enough. It is 4:32." I smile at him and pull him in for a hug. I turn off the music and start cleaning the paint from my brush. Jug sat down after getting a water from the fridge, watching as I cleaned my brushes gently. "That is really cool," he pointed to the painting that still needed to dry. I blush a deep crimson, not having ever been complimented on my work, by anyone other than him. "Thank you, I got bored and had time to spare so, I did this." I put my brushes away and threw away the paper towel. "It is really good. Have you been thinking about doing this professionally?" he asked, standing up to admire it.

I shrug. "I don't know what I want to do for my career to be honest." When I am done cleaning up, I go over and hug Jughead. "Shall we go to dinner?" Jughead asked. I grin and nod. "Yes we shall." we leave my shed, turning the lights off and locking it. "Let's go," I take Jug's hand and we walk to Pop's, talking about school. "We have plenty of open spots in the blue and gold if you do want to join," Jughead said, nudging me. I laugh and nod. "I will consider it, Jug." He looked down at me with a small smile and he opened the diner's door for me.

We sat down and ordered, I got a chocolate shake, a hamburger, and fries. Jughead ordered nearly the same and I ask him, "Do you have any siblings?" He looked at me with a little smirk. "Why are you asking me?" I shrug. "I don't know a whole lot about you, I want to if we are going to be dating. Do you?" he nodded. "I have a little sister, her name is Jellybean." I smile. "Jellybean?" he nodded. "Yeah. What else do you want to know?" I shrug. "Well, my favorite food is burgers or pizza, my mom and dad are separated, Jellybean lives with mom, and I am a writer." he states, eating his burger. I smile and nod. "Why do you wear the hat all the time?" I ask. "Because I am weird," I giggle. "I like weird." I say, and put my straw to my lips and drink my chocolate shake.

Jughead was looking at me intently, making me feel self conscious. I look down and ask, "What? Do I have something on my face?" I touch my face, and grow red. He laughed and shook his head. "No, I just noticed that you don't look like your parents. Or your brother," I nod. "Oh yeah. I was adopted, both me and Chris were adopted. Mom and dad couldn't conceive. So they adopted us. When I was a kid, my biological parents left me on a curb and I was sent into the foster system. I am lucky that my first foster family wanted to adopt me. So here I am," I say with a smile and a corner of his mouth lifted up in a small smirk.

"Yeah, you are." we chat for a little longer when I hear the door open. I turn to see my brother with his arm draped over Kevin's shoulders with a smirk. He saw me and pointed. "Oh hey Hope. We had no idea you were here!" he lied, his voice told me he did, and that he wanted to do this on purpose. "Having fun on your date, Chris?" I ask and Kevin blushed. "Yeah, I hit it off with Kevin's dad! What about you sis?" he asked, ruffling my hair, sitting down next to me. "It is going great, before you came in," I tease. Chris put a hand on his chest, acting hurt. "Oh please. You love me, I made your day better," I shake my head. "No, I believe that was Jughead's doing," I say, and I thought I saw pink on Jug's cheeks.

"Fine, I guess I can go. Let's go Kev." they find another booth and Jughead shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Are you okay, Jug? Do you want to leave?" he nodded and we pay for the food and leave. We decide to go to my shed. I grab some more coffee grinds and water and start the coffee machine. It was cold so I carried a few blankets and my laptop with us. We curl up on the couch and watch Netflix on my laptop while surrounded in blankets. I was leaned up against Jughead with a mug of coffee in my hands. Every now and then we would glance at each other and smile sweetly. We had watched about 2 movies and I notice my phone buzzed. I didn't notice the time and I pick it up. Betty had texted me. Hey, me and Veronica are going dress shopping for Prom tonight, you wanna come? I tell her I couldn't and that I was with Jughead tonight.

What really? How cute! Have fun, we will go tomorrow, yeah? I told her I would and I put my phone down, but I look at the clock. It was nearly 9. I continue watching the movie and Jughead had his head on my shoulder. He slowly moved his head into the crook of my neck. His nose was cold on my warm neck. His breath tickled my neck and shoulders, sending goosebumps up my spine and I giggle. "That tickles," I comment and he chuckled, moving so his chin relaxed on my shoulder once again. After the movie is done, I yawn and lay back on Jughead's chest. "Tired?" he asked, I nod, with my eyes closed. I shut my laptop and put it on the ground, and put away my coffee mug. Jug put his down and lie on the couch. I lay on top of him and had a blanket over us. I was warm for the first time in forever.

Are my readers happy now? Thank you guys for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.

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