Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up and remembered everything that happened last night. I groan as I sit up, and smell coffee. I furrow my eyebrows and look down, finding coffee was being made. I step down the ladder and felt something cold on my ankle. Ice was attached with a towel to my ankle. I glance around, and see Jughead sitting on the sofa, holding a cup of coffee. He stared at it like it held the answers to the universe. When he noticed some movement around him he looked up and stood, putting the mug down. "Hope," he said, and started walking to me. The boy who looked at me in fear last night was now trying to fix it. "What are you doing here, Jughead?" I ask. "I am sorry for what happened last night. We shouldn't have looked at you like we did, we should have helped you. You were just defending-" I put my hand up, stopping him. "But you did, Jughead. And it hurt." I grew sad and angry at the same time. "We were just surprised! That is all, we weren't scared-"

"You were! All of you! I saw it! On all of your faces, you were terrified that I would turn on you, I could see it." Tears started rolling down my face and I was shouting. "No, we just-" Jughead tried to explain to me, to lie to me, but I wouldn't have it. "Just go," I say, my voice cold and lacking in all emotion. "What?" I let one more tear roll down my cheek. "Leave," I state once more. He looked at me, worried and surprised. "Why?" I didn't say anything else, I just point to the door. He nodded with a hurt look on his face. Something clicked in my head. I follow behind and go into the house. Chris was in the kitchen, making eggs and bacon. "I want my key back." I state, no emotion at all. He turned to me and walked to hug me. I back away. "Key," he sighed. Digging around in his pocket, his eyes never left mine.

He slapped the key into my hand and I walk to my room. I got dressed, in a black crop top, leather, and some ripped jeans. I did my makeup in dark colors, and I brought Silver's things and him inside. I wore a pair of boots that I had gotten but never wore. I walk out to my motorcycle. I get on it and put on a helmet. I let out a deep breath and went for a drive. I talked to FP once, and I was wanting to do it again. I drive through the streets, and make it to the south side. I find FP's apartment, and park my motorcycle. Knocking on the door roughly. FP looked nice, he looked clean. "Hey, Hope. Are you here for Jughead? I don't think he is here at the moment." I shake my head. "No, FP, I came here for you. I was thinking about joining the serpents. You got an open spot?" he nodded. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I nod. "Yes. And if I could. Where would I find the coward that left me on the street?" I ask, putting my hands in my pockets. He gave me an address. I thank him and go to my motorcycle. "You really wanna do this?" he asked one more time. I nod solemnly and rode off to the man who abandoned me nearly 7 years ago.

I knock on my biological father's door and he opened it. "You look like crap, father." I state. He actually looked better than the last time I saw him. But he looked tired. He looked shocked to see me. "What are you doing here, Hope?" I chuckle. "So you remember my name. Nice to know. How are your kids?" I ask, he looked confused. "How do you..." I look behind him. "A little girl and boy are looking at us. Your little angel is asking why I look like daddy," I wink at the little girl and she cowered back. "I am here to tell you I am joining the serpents." he looked furious.

"Don't look like you care, old man. You never did." I spit and he grabbed me roughly by the shoulders. "I do care, okay? I just knew you were going to join if you lived with me and your mom! If you hated us and lived with a happier family then you wouldn't grow up to be like us! Don't tell me I don't care about my daughter because I do! I was there for your middle school poem reading, in the back. I was there, I checked up on you. I just needed you to be different than me and your mom!" he said. I was stone faced. I was confused, and upset. "Well look at me now old man, I am going to be a serpent. And you are going to deal with it!" I rip myself from his grip. "Go take care of your own kids, Anderson. Don't let them down like you did me," I get on my bike and ride away. I could feel my phone buzz in my pocket. It was probably Jughead, trying to apologize.

I get to Pop's and find a shady booth. Pop's handed me a coffee, saying I looked tired. I take out my phone, I had gotten 5 texts from Jughead, and one from FP. FP said the initiation would be tonight at 10. I go to look at Jughead's texts. Are you okay? We need to talk, where are you? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?! JOINING THE SERPENTS IS A BAD IDEA! HOPE ANSWER ME! Hope, I am sorry, please answer me. I put my phone away and drink the hot coffee. "Where is she? She could be anywhere! Chris said she left the house, she looked upset and he said different. We have to find her!" Kevin said, and the others agree. Pop's looked at me. I shake my head slowly, letting him know not to let them know I was here. I was in the dark, so they couldn't see me.

"Where could she be?" Betty asked, shaking her head. "Who knows? The only place she ever is would be her shed and she isn't there." I spectated as Pop's handed them their food and I listened. "She was just protecting herself, I don't understand why I was so scared. It wasn't her fault those guys were wanting to hurt her," Veronica stated. "We should have been there for her, we should have supported her instead of staring at her." Tears were in my eyes and I blinked them away. "I think we all need to find her and apologize." I then saw my mom and dad walk in with Chris. "Guys, we have a problem. Someone call Jughead and tell him to get here quick." they sit down, and they were all squished in the booth. "What happened?" Archie asked. "Hope wants to join the serpents. I just got a call from her biological father. She paid him a visit saying she was joining the serpents. He called us and asked us to keep an eye on her. Do you know where she is?" mom asked. They all shook her head. I put my hood up when I saw Jughead enter the building.

"Guys, Hope wants to join the serpents. We gotta stop it. She can't do it," I got angry. He wasn't going to stop me from doing anything. I stand up, and left money on the table for Pop and walk over to the group of people. "Look no further. I am right here, but you aren't stopping me." dad stood up and scoffed. "We can ground you and stop you from joining the serpents you know. We are your parents." I raise an eyebrow. "No you can't. You can try, but you will fail." I state, and walk away. "Hope, don't do this." I shrug. "I want to. If all I will ever be looked at as is a serpent, then there is no use trying to be anything else. Why not finish the job?" I finish, and start walking away. "Not everyone thinks of you that way, Hope, and you know it." I sigh at the sound of Chris' voice, and turn around. "You did at one point. Last night, why don't you tell our parents what happened. Huh? How you all looked at me when I was defending myself." our parents looked terrified at Chris. "And you aren't too innocent in this either. You never told me, no one ever told me that my parents left me to hate them because they didn't want me growing up to be like them, serpents. You let me believe that they hated me and left me for dead." I point to my parents.

"Sweetie, we just did what they asked." I raise my eyebrows. "And you have been telling them about me, you kept in contact with them after making me hate them! I thought you hated them as much as I did! And you didn't bother to tell me they cared about me! I wouldn't be in this position if I was told what was going on, if I was told why they didn't keep me! I am done, don't with trying to be in the shadows to hide! From everyone!" I shout and walk out the door. I put on the helmet and head to the house. I grab everything I could and I go to my shed. I decide I was going to make it my home for now. I It didn't have a bathroom or an actual kitchen but I could make it work.

When I shut the door, I sigh. Running my hands through my hair, I was upset, angry, sad, and relieved at the same time. I groan loudly and kick the wall with my still healing foot. I had to go to the Serpent bar for the initiation tonight. I needed to look good, I needed to look the part for tonight. I run through my clothes, I couldn't find anything. I groan and grab some cash and get on my bike. I get to the store and look for some clothes.

Uh oh, do you guys think she is going to go through with it? Will we have a new serpent on our hands? Let me know what you think is gonna happen. Thank you guys for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.

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