Chapter Twenty-One

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I flail myself around as I felt the contact from the unknown person. I was being attacked! I scream uncontrollably. I heard laughing behind me and I turn to find Jughead. He was doubled over while laughing. "You idiot! I was scared half to death!" I shout, gasping for breath. "Don't let the Serpents hear that. Can't show fear," he said wiping tears from his eyes. "Sorry beautiful. I just couldn't help myself." he laughed. I was mad. "Don't do that again, I thought I was going to die!" he hugged me, "I am sorry, I really am. Forgive me?" he asked, nuzzling my neck, making my knees go weak. "Yeah, I do Jughead. I forgive you." I kiss him. He picked me up and started to walk to the couch, and turned on the tv.

"You don't have to clean, just relax for a bit." Jughead convinced. I chuckle. "My parents are working late, is it bad that I want to help around the house?" I ask, trying to stand back up. "No, but you are dealing with a lot right now," I scoff. "What? Injuries? They don't hurt that bad anymore. Grandpa? He is happy now. Riverdale students? They will get over a serpent in their school. Me? I will shift back into the shadows. You? I love you and you told me that you will be there for me if I ever need you. My friends? They care about me. My parents and my dad? I have them now, I know the truth. I will be fine, I am fine." I say, and stand up, and quickly grab the broom. "Now, if you want to help, that is great. But for now just sit and watch TV," I smirk and start sweeping. He groaned and grabbed a dust rag. He started dusting everything he could, and soon went to finish off the dishes. When we were done with cleaning, we plopped onto the couch, we were exhausted. Jughead had the tv on and we fell asleep, me laying on top of him.

*Hope's Mom's POV*

It was nearly ten o'clock at night, me and Steve walked in. I notice the television was on. Did Hope fall asleep with the tv on? I walk in and notice Jughead and Hope asleep on the couch, the television on. I turn it off and take a few pictures of them. How was I going to tell her? What was I going to do? I didn't want to lose her, but I also didn't want to tear her from her friends either. I sigh and smile at her, with tears in my eyes. They were perfect for each other, they both had serpent parents, they both could care less about the serpent part, and they both were outcasts. I didn't want to take her away from that.

After her grandfather's funeral, we would be moving. I had been offered a promotion, but we would have to move halfway across the country for it. She would be crushed. I talked to Allen about it, he was willing to take her in, but what would happen to her shed? She loved it, she was there for everything. If she went to live with her father she would have to go back to SouthSide high, I didn't want her to do that, it destroyed her soul. She hated it. Her grandpa's funeral was tomorrow. I already let her friends know that his funeral was tomorrow, and that she would need them. I talked to Jughead about it before he went to the house.

Steve had already went to bed, after giving me a kiss and kissing Hope's head. I let a tear escape, she was going to stay here, with her friends and her father and her siblings that she found out about not too long ago. She would say that she would go with me, Steve, and Chris, but she would cry herself to sleep every night after, until I force her to pack for her father's. I knew her, she may not be mine biologically, but I loved her just as much. And Chris too, he was different from her, he was a social butterfly, he flourished in social gatherings, and Hope, she was more of a small group of friends type. She didn't like popularity, but she understood the difference between popularity and having friends. I didn't want to lose her, but I knew that she would be happy.

Okay, so I know that this was a short chapter, but this is just kind of a filler chapter and I wanted to add in what was going to be happening. Thank you guys for reading, I found that I have almost 70 reads, I didn't think I could get more than ten, so thank you for reading, I love you guys, I hope you are enjoying this story.

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