Beverly Marsh-

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Walking down the school hallways there was this one girl she always bullied you. But you couldn't let that get to you even though you had no friends and you knew nobody there exept the teachers but to be honest you didn't really know them either.

As she walked up to you, you started to feel nervous you was supposed to do her homework for her but you couldn't you had too much homework yourself.

Soon enough she was up in your face screaming in the school bathrooms. There was nothing you could do about it exept take it.  You heard a noise coming from the stall beside yours. You heard it again a faint cry. A girl?

You looked up and saw a trash can but before you knew it there was water and trash all over you. Next you heard the girl in the other stall scream.

Once you heard the girls leave you walked out. You knocked on the other stall. No reply "hey it's ok she's gone" you said to assure her it was ok and clear. As she opened it you could tell she was having a panic attack. "Are you ok?" She shook her head no.

She sat down on bathroom floor and you sat beside her. You rubbed her back to calm her down. You knew she was having a panic attack because you had them quite often. "Do you have panic attack's often at all?" She shook her head again. "Oh"

You got up with her by your side and walked outside of the school grounds. At this point she was calmed down so you decided to start a conversation. "Your soking wet" she smiled "so are you" she said In response. "Looks like we both are" "yup, I am Beverly by the way" "I'm y/n nice to meet you" you shook each other's hand. "We can go to my house and change my dad won't be home for a while and I have a few overalls that don't fit me anymore but they might fit you" she said smiling the hugest smile ever "that would be great I am freezing anyway so" you said feeling nervous. You kind of sorta liked her a little now.

As you were walking to her house you started to realize that you were only a few blocks down from her. "We are close to being neighbors I am only a few blocks down farther" you said with cheer in your voice "oooh sleepover soon" you were happy to have someone this nice to you. Nobody has ever been this nice to you before. "You know we could be really good friends" you said in hope "we would wouldn't we" "want to be you know friends" "I would like that a lot" there was a silent pause and she looked up you saw a tear in her eye "I don't really have friends not alot actually none" "same but now we have each other"

As you two walked inside her house it creaked like a old wooden down school. You made it to her bedroom and she handed you a yellow pair of overalls and she had a red pair. "Twins" she said in a little light voice. Now you was smiling ear to ear.

You two were saying your goodbyes and she hugged you. Tight. "I like you" she whispered softly in your ear. "I like you too" you whispered back.

Cringe worthy right

Hope you enjoyed

Bye Bye my big ❤

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