Chp.33~ Her Sickness 3/3

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"I feel fine, just a bit nauseated." And I wasn't lying. I tried to get up and it felt as if my stomach had ended up in my throat. 

"That's quite common for patients after a short-term coma." She said as if it wasn't anything. Coma? I had thought that I had sleep through the night, and now it was morning of the next day, Tuesday, but that doesn't seem to be the case. 

"If you're wonder, today is Friday, 7th of April." She causally said. I was out for more than 4 days? That's insane. It felt as if I had closed my eyes for a second and then immediately opened them again. But everything was just so off. 

"Wow." Were the only words I could speak. Henry nodded his head, "yep, it's been a stressful few days." Henry stated. The nurse clicked one more button and turned to me. "Alright, so I'm going to check again to see if your vital are stable and hopefully there are better from the last time I saw them." She said, peeling off the tape to a needle that was injected into my wrist. 

"Henry, I'm going to need you to exit for this, but," She looked in between Henry and I.

"This handsome young man has never left your side since you've gotten here." She smiled, putting the stethoscope into her ears. 

I blushed a little, and so did Henry. It made me remember the night in my house when he confessed to me that he had had feelings for me. It seemed like a joke at first, but he didn't smile, or laugh. He was serious, and at the time, I didn't know how I felt about him, never even took a minute to think about how I felt for Henry, other than just really good friends. 

Henry exited the room as the women continued on my chest, pressing the cold meter on different spots.

"Henry POV"

I walked backed to the waiting room, saying hi to the lady in front which I had made great acquaintances with. Lola sat in the ugly chair, looking down at her phone. Frustration seemed to devour her mood lately. I sat across from her, excited to share the news. 

"You were in there a while miel." Lola said without looking up. 

"Well, Teresa woke up." I announced. Lola looked up from her phone, her eyes wide. 

"OMG, really?" Lola clicked her phone off. All of her interest was now into me. "Yep, she just woke up." I nodded my head, remembering the the moment that will always be my happiest. I probably shouldn't have kissed her on the cheek, but i couldn't help it, My heart was beating so fast, and we were alone. The only thing I have ever wanted to do was kiss her, and I did. It wasn't anything big, like a kiss on the lips, more like a peck, but it still sent electricity down my spine. 

"I'm going to go see her." Lola shot up from her chair, so excited that she left her phone behind. 

"Lola, not right now there still doing a couple of test." I reached out and grabbed her arm. Her face twisted as she sat back down. I drew my phone from the back of my pocket and swiped right, unlocking my phone and clicking on Mr. Glaser's number. 

"Hello?" She sounded strain. I could imagine her sitting on the couch, reading through most, maybe all of the Stephen King novels. I remembered her favorite being Heart of Atlantis, She would sometimes read it aloud to herself, motioning her face into different expressions as the character she was reading would feel.  I remember she would only ever read it when she was upset, mostly because she was arguing with her ex-husband, or something at work didn't go right. When I came over Teresa's house, she had warned me everyday before we had even walked through the door, that her mom was upset, to not even greet her. There was a good chance that she had gotten up from a good book to answer this phone call.

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