Chp.12~ Confession

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"Teresa's POV"

I could smell the food coming from the cafeteria before we ever entered. Lola's hand maneuvered over her stomach, groaning as it gurgled.

"I could eat a horse." She whined as we coursed through the crowd.

"You go ahead, I'm not hungry."

"Alright, but you're going to regret it, they're having breakfast for lunch." Lola squealed before continuing her way into the lunch line.

I felt terrible I hadn't been able to fully eat since Saturday, and for now I was just living off of the grapes that were placed in my refrigerator. It was hard to do anything since Saturday, and eating was unfortunately one of the problems. Every time I tried to go to Trevor and explain to him how I felt, I would just feel worse. It didn't matter how many times I washed my sheets and sprayed my room, the overcoming sensation that I had after sex was still there. It was hard for me to fall asleep when all I felt was Trevor's body heat beside me, and it wasn't like my dreams we making it any better. I would have nightmares of what's to come because of what we had decided to do.

"Yeah." I responded before I could fully understand what Lola had said. I didn't even realize she had made it back to the table until my own voice disrupted my thoughts. "Okay, am I going to have to go after a puta again?" Lola starred intensely at Hallie seated on Henry's lap from inside.

I shook my head, "I'm not feeling all that good

. "Were there's your problem, start feeling better! " Lola joked, smiling at me.

I slumped my shoulders at her as she took a large bite out of her cookie, "You've been in funky mood ever since after Homecoming, which was awesome by the way thanks to one amazing Latino niña." She propped her hand out under her chin, grinning like a crazy woman.

I smiled. "Thanks, by the way." I said, taking a few swigs of my water.

"I also caught you and Trevor leaving early? Any comments?" Lola moved her eyebrows up and down.

I sighed. I tell Lola everything. She was once of my closes friends that I could talk to about anything but was telling her I lost my virginity do to my stupid feelings really what she wanted to hear.

"What happened? kisses on the couch while sipping down hot chocolate or cuddling close while watching Hallmark movies." She fantasied, beaming from ear to ear.

"I wished." I mumbled under my breath. Lola's smile turned worrisome. "What happened?" She asked with more concern.

"What if...." I trailed off, my heart beating faster than normal. waited with anticipation. "What if I got pregnant, or got caught an STD?" I pulled my hair back behind my ear.

Lola rolled her eyes, "two great reasons to not do 'The Nasty.' " Lola sighed shaking her head. For whatever reasons, dropping the hint that I could possibly be pregnant or have an STD didn't strike Lola's brain that I had sex.

I looked right into her blue eyes as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion until finally coming to terms of my clue.

Lola gasped loud, "Teresa, you didn't." She spoke quietly. I stayed silent, placing my new gaze on my fidgeting fingers.

"Tell me you used a condom?" She asked, freezing in her place with wide eyes.

I shook my head slowly, scared that if I spoke it would sound brittle.

"It was my first time, I didn't know how anything was supposed to feel, what I was supposed to do."

"mi Amor," Lola said, grabbing my shoulders and holding me in an embrace.

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