Chp.5~ Lunch With the Morales

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"Teresa's POV"


The sound of my alarm pulled me from a dream-free sleep, one that I wasn't too familiar of. It only ever happened when I slept somewhere besides my room, but it's still taking me time to recognize this house as my new home. I forced myself out of bed, knowing that my mom's booming voice from downstairs wouldn't be forcing me to get up since she had an earlier start to her morning than I did.

It still wasn't light outside even by the time I finished showering. The fact that my body was still in Florida time should've have given me a bonus, but the morning was just as insufferable as usual. Fighting back a yawn, I flipped on the bedroom light and examined the boxes that laid in the corner still needing to be unpacked. I debated on whether or not I should continue to unpack once I get home, but a comment made floating back into my head,

"Tomorrow, come over my house for dinner. We're having lobster and side rice." I could practically hear Henry's voice say to me again. I guess these boxes were going to have to see another day.

With a sigh of agitation, I walked over to my closet and grabbed the irritable uniform, slipping on the white polo shirt and then pulling up the red pleated dress. I thought back to Henry's and I's conversation yesterday, about how his family made it different from how he was before. I had wondered if I would ever get to see the old Henry again, or if I was going to have to learn to live with new Henry, 2.0.

My hair drooped around my light cheeks, keeping its same length of waves as is always did. It didn't matter the amount of times I put a straightener to my head, the weather would always knock it down. The same went with makeup. A little foundation never hurt, but I wasn't skilled enough to alter the shape of my face like the girls at school, making me even more jealous of them than I already was. And it wasn't like my mom was any help, only on her good days did she ever wear mascara.

With the most monotonous part of my morning now over, my mind had wandered off. It seemed only a few minutes later that I was on the bus, headed for another day at school


Classes were slower today than normal. Jacob was present in biology class and Lola was gone off to an invitational meet, leaving Caleb and I by ourselves at lunch and me all alone in P.E. Throughout the entire day I continues to think over how lunch at Henry's place would be. If Henry was truthful about how bad his new family was, then I was more nervous than I should've been.

I bought a can of lemonade from the vending machine located in the library and found my way back to the bench I was seated at yesterday. It was September, and the humid wave of Autumn had definitely set in, but today the sun had come out to play, making the sky bright and clear.

I didn't even realize how far I was into my thoughts until I notice Henry slid onto the bench beside me. "Hey," he elongated. I looked up at him, at his copper eyes that glowed with warmth and humor. He wore regular clothes and his hair was wet from what I'm assuming was a shower. I was about to speak until I felt a cold gaze upon me.

Henry's girlfriend.

If looks could kill, I would be 6 feet underground.

"What are you doing her babe?" Henry turned to asked, just then noticing her as well.

"I thought you said you had to go to dinner?" She asked Henry, but kept her focus still on me

I internally sighed. There was no doubt that Henry's girlfriend was beautiful, but she was clung to him like a monkey on a tree. It didn't matter where Henry was she was always there. It was as if and imaginary leash was connected between them, or that she planted a tracker in his neck. He couldn't even breathe unless it was by her terms. 

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