Chp.33~ Her Sickness 3/3

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"Teresa's POV" 

The smell of an expo marker and cleaning supplies had taken over my nose. I squeezed my eyes shut at the bright light that was seeping through my closed eyelids. Everything felt overwhelming, especially my body. I was unable to move any part of my body. It didn't matter how hard I tried, nothing happened, I was powerless. 

I slowly started blinking, desperately trying to open my eyes and see what's around me. All I could hear was the tapping of a foot and the muttering voices of characters coming from a T.V. with terrible satellite. As the blinding light that seemed to be coming from a window dialed down, I could take a look around my surroundings. I squinted my eyes, blinking every so often to clear up the blurring images around me.

I couldn't tell if I were in the bed of a hospital room, or taking a nap in a children's play room. The room was colorfully bright, and child-like. I laid in a typical hospital bed, IVs and a heart monitor beeped beside me. The walls were a sickly yellow color and the bed sheets were a dull pink.  Child-like decor spotted the walls, a pic butterfly rug laid under the weight of a red velour arm chair, worn-down by the many of bottoms it had to handle. One of the soap operas that I remembered Grandma would like to watch when I was a kid, quietly played on the T.V .

I tried moving my neck since it was a little stiff from the position I laid in. I used my hands to help me sit up, only to realize that someone or something was laying beside me. Henry had found His way to my bed and must have fallen to sleep. Then, like lightening, it struck me,  I shut my eyes, trying to remember what had exactly happened. The memory of it all starts to occupy my thoughts. The pills, the dieting, the excising, the fainting. It all hit me with a bang. The last thing I remember happening, or more like hearing, was Henry's voice. Something about, 'everything will be alright' but the memory was still a bit patchy on the details.  

"Teresa?" I heard Henry's voice, his groggy eyes opened slowly, but when he saw me starring back at them, it was as if he had seen his mom again since losing her. He slowly got up, wiping his eyes before starring at me once more. I slowly smiled at Henry's wide grin, one that I haven't seen since Florida. A tear formed at the corner of his eyes, and soon a stream of them game running down his face. 

"You're okay." He smiled. I nodded my head, "I can't die that easily." Speaking felt a little weird, almost as if I had spoke another language.  I see Henry shoulder's slump. I could tell immediately that weight has been lifted off of him.

Surprisingly, Henry dropped his forehead on mine. The overall sensation felt astonishing, wonderful, and a little bit overwhelming. I didn't know what he was doing, but I liked it. 

"Oh my God, you don't know how amazing this feels," Henry spoke softly, His smoothed forehead on mine. Henry eyes were closed, but i kept mine open. Starring at his cute birthmark and short-stubby eyelashes. Henry's eyes opening unexpectedly, starring back into my own. Even though Henry's eyes were as all most as dark as the night, the light coming from the window illuminated them into a beautiful gold. It was like a hidden cave that had been finally found with just a secret ingredient, being the sun. 

Henry moved closer, placing a soft peck on my cheek. It was soft and warm, almost like the time he had kissed me before he left for Texas. His kissed still lingered on my cheek, even after lifting up to smile at me again. 

A heard a door open and shut as Henry moved away from my face. A short nurse in striped green scrubs had entered the room. Her hair had looked deteriorated from walking around so much. 

"Teresa?" her voice had called out, she looked to me with a sheepish grin. "Hi I'm your nurse Priscilla." She walked up to my bed, grabbing my hand at shaking it. "How are you feeling Hun?" She asked, walking up to a monitor and clicking on a bunch of junk.  

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