Chp.7~ Finding Henry

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"Teresa's POV"

I woke up the next Monday morning with a feeling of anticipation about seeing Henry. Two days had gone by since I've talked to him. I didn't do my normal visits to his house or send him a good morning text, I did nothing but mope around and put my mom in an even more uncomfortable position because when she tried to ask me about what happened, I lost my temper and blew up at her. It was our first fight as daughter and single mother. She had kept her space from me for a while, knowing that was just all I needed.

I lazily dressed for school and walked downstairs as the dim sky started to change its brightness.

Mom had already left for work. The refrigerator held no message like it usually did when she was gone, so she was either still aggravated with me, continuing to give me space, or carrying on her goal of finishing a well overdo photo assignment.

The bus had arrived just on schedule and I somehow made it through homeroom and History. My curiosity on whether or not everyone would be back in school today after the three nights of partying at the Lost and Found were immediately answered as Lola and I had to trample through the crowd of bodies that hovered in the hallway on our way to our lockers.

By the time that I had gotten what I needed, it only seemed like the traffic got worst. I was sickly bothered of fending off jocks with shoulders wider than my entire body. Why did they find it crucial to mimic a fight, or throw a football just inches above everyone's head?

When Lola and I had finally found our ways to the lunchroom, my already threating bubble had burst when me eyes landed on Henry who was seated with the jockeys, including Hallie. In the afternoon, when the hallways were packed with people trying to make it on time to their classes, their group would be the one in everybody's way. They would stand there, in a gigantic circle talking and horse-playing and goofing around. Teacher didn't bother trying to get them to keep moving, because they wouldn't listen.

I hadn't realized that I was staring until icy blue eyes had met mine. Hallie titled her head to the side like she always did, her blonde hair was in it's legendary style. She furrowed her eyebrows together and looked back at Henry, she grabbed his face and pulled in, landing her lips on his. I had wondered when she would realize I wasn't trying to play hooky with Henry. He was my friend, and that was all he would ever be.

Lola progressed onto her story about her mother, but I had only started to tune in. "Caleb was kind of upset that you left so early." Lola changed the subject once we entered the lunch line. I snatched the last tray from the ben as I continued to follow the decreasing line.

"I'll explain happened when we get to the table." I mumbled closely to Lola's ear.

I had made an attempt at trying to go a different way without passing Henry, but it was basically impossible. I kept close by Lola side as we grazed passed his table. I could feel his eyes on me, but I promised myself I wouldn't look. Right as we were about to make the rest of our journey towards the patio, Hallie's voice rang out into the cafeteria.

"First try at alcohol is always hard. You'll get it next time Teresa." Hallie smirked as she had switched positions onto Henry's lap. Lola and I both turned around as we were met with an echo of laugher. Henry didn't laugh though, but he did keep quiet. I felt my chest pull in tighter to my body and my heart ring out. Lola gripped onto my forearm and lead me out onto the patio.

"What was that all about?" Lola asked once we were seated.

"What was what all about?" Caleb looked between the two of us, his eyebrows furrowed in curiosity.

"Remember last Friday on way I left so early?" I started.

Both Caleb and Lola nodded. "Henry's friends put vodka in a drink that he offered me." I looked down into my hands as I spoke. My appetite had clearly gone away.

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