Chp.10~ Heat Of The Moment

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"Teresa's POV"

I plopped down on my couch after we had entered my house. Trevor admired the architecture before sitting down beside me.

"Nice crib." he joked. I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving his shoulder.

His dimple drilled in deeper with the width of his smile. "How did you enjoy your night?" I asked.

"I loved it because you were there," he replied, gently grabbing my hands into his. "And I loved it because I got to dance with you the entire night, and you smelled really good, and I couldn't take my eyes off of you, and you were beautiful."

I finally understood why Trevor never left my thoughts. I had missed him, missed him more than I thought I did and the tugging feeling of being with him now was overwhelming. I propped one leg onto Trevor's lap and wrapped my hands around his neck.

"I'm glad you're back."

"I'm gad I'm back too." Trevor moved his hands from mine to my leg, stroking it softly. I felt that tugging feeling back in my chest as soon as he began to stroke.

"There's something I've been really wanting to do." Trevor's voice went lower, it sounded as if he spoke clear English for a second.

"What's that?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. It was pretty obvious from the desire in his eyes as he studied my mouth.

A smile presented on his lips when his mouth pressed onto mine. It was tender and gentle, just like I had remembered it being back in Florida.

His mouth then quickly drifted away. "That's what," he whispered in my ear.

"That's all?" I pouted, my hands still around his neck.

"No." He said, pressing closer to me. "No, not at all."

"But, would you maybe have a spare change of clothes, this suit a little stuffy" Trevor asked, pulling away.

I scratched the back of my head. "I still have your sweatshirt from last year."

"That'll work." He said, shooting up from the couch.

"Away we go." He said before lifting me up into his arms. He kept a tight grip onto me as he bolted up the stairs. It took him a minute to figure out which room was mine, but when he did, he spun me around and landed me gently.

"I like your room." He commented looking around.


"Now, where were we?" A smiled stayed onto his lips even when he bent down to kiss mine. His hands framed my face before sliding back behind my neck. His thumb massaged my cheeks, causing my skin to erupt into goosebumps.

Trevor's touch always was powerful, I knew that from the first time I shook hand with him, but having his hands touch and caress me in gentle, intimate ways made the power of his touch difficult to bear. His other hand went to the small of my back right before his head tilted and he closed the last few inches of space between us. I stood back from him before the kiss got too heated.

"Sorry." I apologized. "For what?" He gave me a confused look.

I took a deep breath. When his mouth covered mine again, it wasn't so still and soft. It might've started out that way, but before I could even close my eyes, Trevor's hands had found their way back on the lower part of my back.

This "kiss" was nothing like I had had with him before. A stronger tingled played inside of me, one that I couldn't understand until Trevor had kissed me again.


A shiver went down my spine as I thought of the two-person event. I hadn't ever even thought of that until tonight. It had never even crossed my mind the entire time that we had been dating, but for some reason the craving was stronger than I could bear, and for once in my life I wanted to do more than kissing.

In the next second I could feel Trevor start to walk backwards, slowly. I followed him just after I knew where he was headed. He plopped down on the corner of my bed, breaking the kiss, but only for a short while before I shifted and swung my legs over his lap. When I lowered myself over him, his hands gripped tighter around me, and his breath started to pick up. Never, in a million years did I ever imagine myself straddling Trevor Farris while we kissed like it was the only thing keeping us alive. Yet here I was, wanting this feeling to never stop.

When his lips dropped to my neck, I tilted my head back and pressed harder against him. I let out a deep sigh, enjoying the sensation that coursed through my body. I ran my hand up and down his arms, before reaching his hair and combing through it. Trevor groaned against my neck while my hands continually massaged his hair.

What am I doing? I thought to myself. I've had plenty of times being home alone with Trevor. My parents trusted us so much that they would leave the house for hours and hours without any worry. They knew Trevor, and they knew me, nothing was going to go on, but in this moment now, I could feel that that nothing was going to be turned into a something pretty soon.

My heart pounded against my chest. My adrenaline started to pick up before I noticed myself fiddling with the hem of Trevor's untucked shirt, just then realizing that he never switched into the sweatshirt he wanted.

"Whoa," Trevor said after giving my neck a break. His cheeks were flushed as he too was shocked upon the feeling that we presented each other. His head titled to the side in thought, the word, 'sex' probably floating into his mind as mine did. His slowly moved his hands up my back, the grin he held on his face had then fallen.

"I don't want do anything that makes you uncomfortable."

I grinned as I lowered myself onto him. "I'm comfortable."

Trevor nodded his head, even after my confession, he still looked concerned.

"I've never felt this way before Teresa." He softly spoke.

"Me neither."

"Are you sure?" He asked. "Are you sure that you want me to be your first time, because I know I want you to be my first time, but..." He trailed off, desire still sat in his eyes, but he held back for the sake of my feelings.

I closed the gap between me and him, giving him a small kiss. "I'm sure." I said.

He took in a deep breath before slowly falling back and scooting farther onto my bed. Trevor shifted, and I was now laying comfortably on the bed, and he was pressing into me. His hands stayed where they were as he lowered himself onto me. It didn't take long before his tongue found its way to mine and when it did, he rested himself on top of me.

I didn't know how much I wanted Trevor until that night. I didn't know if it was because of how long we had been apart, or how much time had passed since we had kissed, but what we had decided on doing tonight felt right, and I thought that I would be okay until another sensation had passed over my body, but as it did, it was too late to stop what had already been finished.



Hey guys!!! I know this was an INTENSE scene. I tried to keep it as PG-13 as I could, so I do hope you all enjoyed this part. I do not condone anyone under the age of 16 having sex, but at whatever age you are, if you feel fully comfortable with doing it, than that is totally fine too.


QOTC: "Cinderella lost her slipper, not her virginity. You don't need to have sex to find your prince."




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