Chp.30~ Her Sickness 1/3

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"Teresa's POV"

I've been here so much that if somebody saw me coming to this house every single day they would think that I lived here. Henry had already promised me the guess room if I ever need a place to stay. I laughed at Nathaniel and is attempts to try and sound like an engine as he raced his favorite sports car on the floor. He used his other hand to move the truck, and seconds later, they get into a big car wreck. I laugh, Nathaniel's facial expression priceless, as he sat in his own world.

Man, wish I could be a kid again. I thought to myself. Having to worry about nothing but the next episode of Hannah Montana and if I️ was going to get swing time at recess would be nice to feel once more. Even if I was still that chubby kid, I never really worried about it as until I hit the third grade. I had made a promise to myself, that by the time my birthday came around in less than 12 days, that I would finally have my perfect body back. My thighs would be firm and my abs would be back. I had already loss a lot of weight, and I won't lie, taking my mom's pills and the ones I bought did help A LOT in the process. I had lost almost 20 pounds in the span of 1 month, that was amazing. My body was close enough to looking just like Hallie's (Almost through.)

"Boo!" Henry shouted, He grabbed Nathaniel from behind and put him on top of his shoulders, Nathaniel squealed loudly, laughing as he held on tight to Henry's chin. I smiled and through my thoughts into the back of my head.

Henry does his best to tickle Nathaniel, but he manages to dodge his large hands. Their relationship was the cutest, it made me want a baby brother or sister so bad.

Suddenly, My head started to pound on one side, leaving a lingering feeling in my throat. I let out a large groan holding my head in my hands. What the hell? I think to myself. This feeling started so suddenly that I didn't know what to do. I took a large gulp of air. I️ tried focusing on one thing, but my vision was covered with tiny black dots.

"Teresa, are you alright?" I heard Henry's voice call out to me. I nodded my head, not really sure where he was, but knowing that he was there.

"Fine, just my head hurts a bit." I reply back, blinking away the dots and trying to get up, but failed in the process. My arms weakened as I tried using the couch for support to hold me up. I felt a hand placed on the small of the back and my vision starts to clear. I let out a relaxing breath, I turned around to see Henry's worried expression.

"I'm fine Henry just-" My words are cut off by the feeling of something warm climbing up my throat. I put a hand over my mouth worried that it might just come out and spill everywhere.

"Teresa?" Henry called my name again, his hand was still placed on my back. I tried to calm myself down, swallowing what ever had reach my throat, but the harder I try, the more I feel the bile crawl up, I rush to the bathroom just in time as the warm bitterness had reached my mouth. I clench my stomach, to try and control the pain, put it hurt so much. I continued to let lose whatever I had eaten two days before, since that was the last time I had really eaten anything. I controlled my growling stomach and aching head by drinking water, and that usually did the job, but I just couldn't shake the awful feeling I had. I hear the bathroom door open, but It hurt too much to move my head. I knew it was Henry after he put his hand on my back again. The warmth of his hand kept the world around me from spiraling, but it didn't help my case on the vomiting. I heard the water running and soon a warm towel was placed on my neck. It helped a lot, but it didn't keep the lump out of my throat, and with that came more warm sickness. Henry held my hair back so it didn't fall in front of my face, while also rubbing his hand up and down my back. The more that came, the more I felt that I couldn't breath. I felt my stomach churn, and my forehead started to sweat. I couldn't control the tears that split, it just hurt so much.

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