Chp.15~ Coco Deliciousness

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"Teresa's POV" 

I pushed open the door of the gate that Henry had left opened just for me. I walked across the snowy pathway and descended up to his door. I made sure to get up extra early to visit Henry. I've seen him around school and in class, but as always, I can't really talk to him. It sucked to see him and not be able to speak or even smile at him. I had wondered on some days if he wished he could do the same thing, but every time I look at his expression and they way he looked at his friends made me think I was hysterical. Henry never thought of me when he was in his cocky mood, he never even glanced my way throughout the day like I did. Although I knew why, it still hurt. Henry and I were inseparable in grade school. It wasn't until close to the fourth grade when I met Lauren, my other best friend that me Henry didn't talk very much. It was on cool occasion that we spoke, but even then, I felt like our bond was never lost. I can still remember the bus trips to school when I would sit with him, and he would be reading his enormous, five-hundred page book like always. I replayed the moment when Henry accidentally knocked out his tooth trying to show Preston Chandler, the playground bully during third grade, who he was messing with. Preston wouldn't stop teasing me, and when I started to cry Henry got in between the two of us. He was a scrawny kid and Preston was twice his size, but even then, Henry didn't care, all he cared about in that moment was how I felt. Henry wasn't just my friend, he was like the older brother I never had. He was my lanky, short protector. Even now, I feel that he still is. He might not show much time for me, but Henry would never make me feel anything but safe.

Christmas was yesterday, and also the day Trevor and my sister flew back to Florida. It was going to be awhile before I get to see either of them, so I took in all I could. We opened gifts and gave presents, Trevor had gotten me a gold bracelet that matched with my ring, and Jennifer had given me a remake of the bear that she destroyed five years ago.

The icy air whistled around my ear, causing my skin to tingle and sting. My fingers went numb from the temperature's insanity, and my face felt gone. But in a way I really enjoyed the feeling. This was the first time I had ever seen snow, but it wasn't like I had pictured it to be. I imagined layers and layers of elegant white snow, almost like a warm blanket in front of a fireplace, but in reality, the ice was the coldest thing I had ever touched, it crunched under my feet like trash being crushed inside a garbage truck, and no matter how many layers of socks I wore, my feet would still be soaked. The three layers of tights I wore under my denim washed jeans still couldn't compete with the wind. I waited anxiously at the door as my knees started to tremble.

Another cold wind and I was ready to go, but as I started to turned I heard the handle on the other side clank.

Henry, with one hand, opened the door, caring a now a five-year-old Nathaniel, "Teresa!" Henry eyes gawk wide as he sees my figure standing in his doorway.

"Can I come in?" I ask with a shaky voice. Henry noticed my tremble and opened the door wider for me.

"Oh, yeah sorry." Henry chuckled. I waved bye at my mom before walking in.

"Sorry for showing up uninvited." I shuttered. My teeth still chattered from the lasting effect of the wind. "No problem." Henry closed the door behind me. He put down Nathaniel whose face was red with puffiness and a cold sore on his lip. His pajamas were wrinkled, but his spirit was as always, high.

"Teresa!" Nathaniel shouted. He sprawled his arms out before running over to me.

"Hey!" I smiled, bending down to be at Nathaniel's height to give him a quick hug. I pulled out the blue Christmas box that was decorated in teddy bear stickers and a neat nice bow that my mom tied. I handed the box over to him, and not a minute later he tore it open and peered down at the remote-controlled car with gleaming eyes.

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