suspicion and answers

Start from the beginning

Skipping two months

In the last month all of the Guardians and arcobaleno had apologised and the twins could tell be looking at Tsuna that he was starting his second month of pregnancy, (don't ask me how they could tell but they could) and had started to keep a closer eye on him, they also knew that Tsuna had just started to teach the group of guardians.

At the same time Byakuran and Tsuna had finally got all of the information that they needed and had decided to grab the twins and take them to Kawahira at the end of that day.

As the school day came to an end the twins were walking out of the school when they saw Byakuran and Tsuna stood at the gate. When the two males spotted the twins they motioned them over and Tsuna said "would you mind joining us on a trip to meet a friend?" the twins looked at each other a hint of worry in their eyes before they looked back at Tsuna and Byakuran and nodded. As they were walking the twins eyes widened realising exactly where it was they were going, they also knew that they had no way out of it but they expected this sooner or later they were just hoping that it would be later.

As they approached a shop in the shopping district Tsuna knocked on the door and a man dressed in a kimono answered the door when he saw Tsuna he smiled slightly and then he caught sight of the twins and frowned slightly and said "come in" as they entered the room, they all sat down and Kawahira got some tea ready and sat down opposite the two males with the twins next to him and said "it seems some explanations are in order", Tsuna frowned and said "damn right there are"

Kawahira sighed and said "you both have to promise that you will be open minded and calm with what is about to be said" both males nodded and Kawahira turned to the twins and nodded kurai and ayame looked at each other. Ayame looked at Tsuna and said "remember when we met and we told you that we moved here because our mother's childhood friend had told us that our parents who had died seven years earlier had used to live here in namimori so we moved here to see what it was like, all of that was real only it wasn't just our mother's childhood friend it was also our godfather"
Tsuna raised an eyebrow and said "okay so how does that explain anything", kurai sighed and said "you see me and my sister aren't from this time we are from 17 years 8 months and 3 weeks in the future"

The albino and brunette raised an eyebrow but said nothing and kurai continued "we grew up without our parents because of a famiglia called the resurrezione who carried on the estraneo experiments, they captured us and our mother after knocking our father out and then moved us to Italy and separated us from our mother" Tsuna frowned as did Byakuran.

Ayame said "we only saw our mother once or twice a year and when we last saw our mother when we were ten the famiglia that kept us captive were going to restrict all access so our mother helped us escape, after we had escaped we ended up meeting our grandmother who took us to our aunts and uncles. We told them the place that they were holding our mother and they all went to try and get our mother back, however only our grandmother and godfather came out alive but they destroyed the rest of the famiglia. We have been raised by our grandmother and Godfather since then."
Kurai looked at his sister and then continued what she was going to say and said "and they we decided that we would ask one of our honorary uncles if they could help to build a machine that would transport us to a certain time for a year so we could try to change events that shouldn't have happened so we chose to come back to a month before we were conceived"

The brunette and albino nodded and Tsuna said "okay but how does this link to us in anyway after all I know you have been keeping a close eye on me for some reason"

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