Start from the beginning

Bilal smiled knowing very well where this was heading but he still asked regardless.

"Three extra tins?For who?"

Yumnah blushed and then replied shyly.

"One for Mama, one for Baba and one for...Yasir.

"Awwww, for Yasir as well i see."

"Pssssht.Papa just drive okay.Yasir is the one who asked me to buy for him.Its hectic to go to the icecream shop from work you know...,"she said trying to sound as serious as possible.

"Of course he did."

The rest of the drive home was one filled with laughter as Yumnah told Bilal how Hussein had found her skipping the stairs of the Hosseini mansion.

"Okay dear, go in and il be right back with the six icecream tins," said Bilal stressing the six.Guess they were now a big family.Alhamdullilah.

Yumnah happily got out of the car and ran to their front door and rang the door bell, extremeley excited to meet her mother.They had so much to talk about.

Saeeda opened the door only for Yumnah to engulf her in a large bear like hug.

"Salam Mama, i have missed you so much," she exclaimed.

"Waleikum salam.Come in my dear," said Saaeda but one could clearly notice her lack of enthusiasm.

They both headed to the kitchen and Yumnah quickly sat on one of the kitchen stools as her mother put the tea kettle to boil.

"So hows you're married life?" asked her mother not even bothering to give her newly married daughter a look because if she had, she would not have missed the twinkle in her daughter's eyes which was solely because of Yasir.

"Alhamdullilah Mama.The Hosseinis are all caring and loving.Yasir's parents treat me just like their daughter."

Saeeda rolled her eyes.Of course they would treat her nicely.Yumnah had married their blind son, so of course they would treat her well so that she would never leave him.

"Has he touched you yet?"

Yumnah froze upon hearing her mother's blunt question.Where did that even come from?

"What sort of question is that Mama?"

"Never mind.I already know the answer.He is incapable so im sure he hasn't."

"Mama," hissed Yumnah.She really didn't want them to start arguing right now.

"Icecream's here," shouted Bilal and immediately the growing tension in the room easened out.Yumnah stood up and quickly put the three extra tins in the freezer afterwhich she took her own tin and dug in inorder to relieve her stress.

Yes, it was true that they had not taken the second step in their marriage but so what?Her relationship with her husband was a pure one.He had treated her with utmost respect from the very first day.He was always gentle and caring and he would always do or say something that would blow her breathe away.

Flashback to that morning...

"You know what habibty?"he said after they had finished praying fajr.


"I am glad that i am blind and that i cannot see you," he said a distant sad look on his face.

"Oh, why do you say so?" she asked taking his hand and bringing it to her cheek.

"Because its said that in Jannah when you will see you're wife for the first time you will stare at her in awe for forty years."

HER BLIND HUSBAND ( A Wattpad Featured Story)Where stories live. Discover now