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Soon the two brought back Ethan Smith.They took him into integration room and let him sit for a bit.They wasn't sure how long or who would talk to him.Gibbs walked in into the room everyone was in which it was on the other side of the glass."Kayla,with me."He said then walked out.Kayla quickly followed him and followed him the room.Gibbs sat down in front of him.Gibbs took couple of photos out in front of him."Know them?"He asked."Of course.What is this about?"He asked."Missing marine and a dead marine."Gibbs said."How was he killed?"He asked curiously.He was a bit obvious that it was him.They took the note when he said 'killed'.They let it slide to see if he get himself caught any further then a simple word."Where were you the moment he was sent to the hospital?"Gibbs asked."Either at home or at work."He said."Got anyone watching you at that moment?"Gibbs asked."Maybe."He said.They let him go for time being.About five minutes later,they were been notified by the hospital that the brother was in the hospital.Gibbs and Torres went to the hospital to see if they could questioned him but couldn't able to.Gibbs asked the nurse to call them once he was able to talk to anyone.They went back to the office."Got anything?"Gibbs asked.By that time,Abby walked in."I looked at the phone records and this same popped up several times."She said then she showed the phone records and showed the same number.It showed evry so often,one a year,twice a year,to the point of once a month to every other week to every week.It also showed every day to the point it was multiples times a day."This number,who it belongs to?"Gibbs asked."Ethan Smith."Abby said.Gibbs sighed almost angerily then he walked out to get some more coffee. Kayla sighed a bit.They had a tip on where the missing marine is.Kayla called Gibbs."Yeah?"He asked."Yeah,got a tip on the missing marine."She told him.McGee send him the address once they hanged up.They went to the location and find him.They called the ambulance.They took evidence and sent it to Abby.Once Abby was done,she gave them who it was and it was Ethan Smith.

Ethan over heard the marine went to the hospital.He grabbed his gun and went to the hospital and casually went to the room.He didn't realized that he had couple people following him just to visit the same person.He walked in the room.He stood quietly as if he paying a visit.He soon seen two people walking in."Ho,Agent Kayla right?"He asked."Of course.This is my brother Ashton."She said.Her brother waved at him.He suddenly pulled out his gun and pointed at the man in the bed.The two quickly pulled out theirs."Why try to save then kill him now?"She asked."Didn't think he'll make it."He said then seen the team walked in.Ethan frowned a bit then started cry a bit,more like out of fear.He shot himself.They put their weapons away and sighed.Jo Ann heard a shot then quickly walked in and seen Ethan on the floor.Once they got back to the office."Who's writing it?"Gibbs asked."Me!"Kayla blurted."See ya."Rest of them said then walked out.Gibbs gave it to her."You know,you don't have to,if you don't want to.Besides,when is the funeral?"He asked."Not sure."She said.She took it hen started working on it.Once she was done,she gave it back to him the following day."Oh the funeral is tomorrow."She said.

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