Around the house

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Kayla nodded then tried to think where Abby be sleeping at."Where am I going to sleep  at?"Abby asked."I'm with Ducky."Gibbs said."Oh! I forgot that Jackson has a couch and it has a hide away bed in it."Kayla said. She took her to the bedroom and showed her. The room had a normal bed along with a  bunk bed. Abby placed her stuff onto the couch then joined the others. Kayla tried to think on where to put Jimmy and his family at. She checked other room and came across an empty room that had a  bed and a few boxes. She sighed a bit."Hey guy,mind if I borrow a few of you to carry these boxes to the barn?"She asked them as she went through them and noticed it was holidays stuff that she just token down couple of months ago. They walked in."Of course.Wait you have a barn?"Jimmy asked."Yes, I do work in there along a horse."Kayla said as she handed them the boxes then grabbed one and head to the barn. She walked  then smiled a bit."Hey Lucky."She said then went upstairs and placed it down."A horse name Lucky. Where do you want me to put it at?"Bishop asked. "Anywhere but in the way."Kayla said then went to feed the horse and let him roam around. She plan on buying another horse so the horse wouldn't be so lonely. She watched the horse roam around as Gibbs walked up beside her."Beautiful horse."He said as he watched too. The horse came came to him. He smiled then chuckled as he petted the horse. Vance came up."Do you have a office for all of us to use?"He asked. "Yes,of course. Think it's best to get started."She said then gave the horse a treat then went in. She guided the team the room that was shown to Gibbs,a former garage."Was this a  garage once upon a time?"Jimmy asked."Yes."Kayla said."Did a great job with it."He mentioned."Thanks "She said. "So,what do have so far?"Gibbs asked."Everyone's home except Kayla's had been threatened."McGee said. "And no power in the city except here. My question is how?"Abby asked. "Generator."Kayla said. "Wait you have a built in generator?"McGee asked."Yeah."Kayla said. They nodded and sighed in relief.

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