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"How the hell can you stand to eat that crap?" A raven haired male by the name of Gray Fullbuster asked as he watched his best friend stuff a hot sauce-covered fry in her mouth.

Green eyes narrowed on Gray, a playful smirk pulling at her lips. "Because I'm hot as hell, that's why." The girl brushed some pink hair behind her ear before dipping another fry into her sauce.

Gray merely rolled his eyes, not surprised by his friend's comment. "I don't think I've ever met someone as arrogant as you, Natsu."

"Thank you," she said with a full mouth. She didn't exactly have the best table manners.

The raven haired teen shook his head, muttering, "that wasn't a compliment you idiot."

"Oi, what'd Salamander do now?" A brute named Gajeel Redfox sat down at the table with the two teens, tray in hand and drink in the other.

"Same shit, different day," Natsu answered, not at all minding that they found her choice in food odd. "So, I heard Levy's giving you the cold shoulder. Whad'ya do this time?"

Gajeel scowled at the pink haired girl. "I didn't do anything! She's the one tryin' to make me jealous by hanging out with those two guys all the time." He tore the cap off his drink before adding, "like I'd ever be jealous of Jet and Droy."

"Maybe she's just their friend," Hibiki said, sitting down beside Natsu. He looked down at the girl currently shoving a handful of fries in her mouth before averting his gaze. "Ever think of that?"

"There's no way that's what she's doing," the teen with multiple facial piercings said before chugging his drink. "No girl can be friends with a bunch of guys without something going on between 'em."

Natsu raised a pink brow. She cleared her throat, then pointed to herself. "Excuse me? What about me? I'm friends with all you idiots and I'm not tryin' ta get in your pants."

Gray laughed, shaking his head. "That's different! You don't like guys like that."

Natsu's cheeks warmed as a rosy color filled her cheeks. "I kinda like guys too... Just like girls more..."

The raven haired male nodded, "alright. I guess I should've said you don't like us guys like that."

"It's too bad, really," Loke, an orange haired playboy said as he sat on the other side of Natsu. He picked up a few strands of the sakura colored hair before sighing, "I'd love to take you out on a date."

Natsu jerked her head until her hair came loose from his hand. "No thanks. I already got enough guys hitting on me. I don't need you to start up again."

"Why don't you just tell everyone you're bi?" Gajeel asked, though his tone sounded like he couldn't care less what her answer was.

The pink haired girl shook her head, "no way. I only told you guys 'cause you're my friends. I don't want everyone knowing my business." She ran a hand through her spiky pink hair. She kept it somewhat short, only allowing it to reach her shoulders before she'd take scissors to it again.

"You worried about people making fun of you?" Hibiki asked, gaining Natsu's attention.

The girl chewed on her bottom lip before answering, "a little. I dunno. I just don't want to tell people, so keep your mouths shut."

They all nodded, knowing they would keep Natsu's secret until she was ready to tell people. The four boys and one girl ate their lunch, occasionally throwing something at someone else or arguing over something stupid. Usually it was Natsu who started the little tiffs, but that was because she was a little fireball of energy.

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