Ice and Bloom

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Roses would soon be in full bloom
Like stars in the sky, they'd loom
I found you stuck in a darkening alley
For the both of us there was not room
With all of the mountains came all of the valleys
I pulled you out of the gloom

The day wasn't sunny
The sky wasn't clear
But we took off running
Running to nowhere
And that's where we fell
Not in love but still together
In fields of flowers and clovers and heather

When the daylight did wane
And that first night did fall
I was slightly insane
And mostly did stall
We sat there for quite a long time, did we not?
The grass tried to grow and the wood tried to rot
Tried to suspend the moment in time
Tried to freeze it like a mime
That's when the choruses blew the horns
When the flowers turned to roses and thorns
That was the night we ran again
Without a direction or time to spend

When you pass by a rose, do you ever still think
Of how the horizon turned from black to pink?
When we still had no path
Surrounded by such beauty
Freedom brought no wrath
And we had no duty
Which is why we ran on into the morning
Your beautiful locks flowers adorning
Somehow I had saved a princess
I felt heroic and wonderful
The way the world spins says
That I should have been careful
For no horizon can be really that pink
Even if that's what I liked to think

I wonder what time the sun set that day
I didn't remember growing older, colder and gray
I didn't remember losing you along the way
I was trapped somewhere so dark it was difficult to say
Whether or not life would pass me away

Why must we romanticize death?
It's merely an onlooker trying to gain attention
At the time I give my final breath
I'll not forget to mention
That I appreciate the time I had to love
No matter if it remained brief and unfulfilled
I went down the rivers and up the hills
Saw lakes alive and fields stilled
Without the love, I would have killed
And that is not only the waste of a life,
But the waste of others
And that bringer of war and darkness and strife
Is a fire that nothing smothers
Even death can't go back in time
To romanticize life and make it sublime

In that darkness I sat and contemplated
Why I should find reason to wait
I awoke empty, but clean slated
With nothing but anger and reason to hate

That's when you found me in the darkening alley
Where for the both of us there was not room
With all of the mountains came all of the valleys
And you pulled me out of the gloom
Like stars in the sky, those valleys loom
Yet I know that those roses which were wilting in the ice are now in full bloom.

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