Black Canvas

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Life is still unsold
Hearts are breaking, hearts of gold
And while mine is growing old
Word are fading grey from bold
The darkness brings such cold
But if the light was to unfold
Truth would be paroled
And thereby life be sold

I like to wait, I like to dance
I like to find my way by chance
Black canvas, like a trance
My imagination rants
Suited up, bright tux and pants
Moving, swinging like a lance
All the dark does is enhance
So in the dark I like to dance

I like to stay out in the rain
I stay unafraid of pain
Since I don't have much to gain,
My expectations aren't lain
I don't think using my brain
And my tears don't leave a stain
But some say I'm insane
So I agree and I remain

I don't do well by the light
I only venture out by night
Clouds are thick and moon is slight
When I keep my worries tight
I pretend to be a sprite
I dance away like I'm a kite
I feel like I'm alright
If I'm dancing in the night

I don't believe I've made a mark
Not a scratch, a bite, or bark
I don't think I've loosed a lark
To sing a lasting, crude remark.
So if you look when light is stark
If sun is dead with all its sparks
You might glimpse me in the park

I'll be dancing in the dark.

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