Two Travelers

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Two travelers traveled
In the fading light
Two fates unraveled
In the face of fright
Two travelers traveled
Traveled by night

Two travelers could see
Each other by day
Two travelers would be
Traveling the same way
Two travelers might be
With something to say

But still, they were a great distance apart
Traveling a separate pair of lonely paths
With each morning's monotonous start
They wondered about each other's paths
But neither knew it.

Two travelers traveled
The passage of time
Two fates unraveled
In futures sublime
Two travelers traveled
In sync, like a rhyme

Two travelers knew not
Each other's names
Two travelers knew not
From where each other came
Two travelers still sought
To travel the same

They could see nothing in distance
And they could barely see one another
Each traveler had great insistence
On traveling to see each other
But neither knew it.

Two travelers traveled
Two forks in two roads
Two fates unraveled
In harmonic tones
Two travelers traveled
Converging roads

Two travelers' eyes
Met like thunder
Two were surprised
Their loneliness sundered
Two travelers realized
They no longer had to wonder

By chance and by hope, side by side
Two paths split and become one
Plodding steps now become a glide
Time for forlornness done

Two travelers traveled
Together in the fading light
Two fates unraveled
In each other's smite
Two travelers traveled
With each other by night

Two travelers dwell
In what they've dreamt of
Two travelers tell
Their stories of
How two travelers fell
In endless love

And together they shall travel forever.

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