Fading Away

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A soft steady beeping woke her, her ears twitching as she struggled to pry her eyes open. It was like her eyelids had been glued shut, but that was hardly surprising considering the amount of time she'd been asleep for. She'd been drifting in and out of consciousness for days, wallowing in misery, too distracted to notice the set of fingers intertwined with her own as she lay on the hospital bed, staring at the blank white ceiling. She'd let Finn down yet again. She'd failed him. The thought brought tears to her eyes, soon streaking down her face as she continued to lie there, staring up at the harsh white lighting, barely registering the thumb that gently wiped away her tears as it caressed her cheek with an odd tenderness.

"Come back, Genie..." He whispered, staring down at her in sorrow. "I want you back..."

"Finn." A quiet voice interrupted his reverie, Alpha King Rylan staring down at him as he sat by her bedside, tears leaking down his own face. "You should get some sleep..." He said, his expression grim.

He shook his head. "I can't leave her." His shoulders sunk. "I won't leave her. Not again."

"I'll ask Finar to bring a futon down for you."

"Don't bother." He sighed, hoping up onto the bed, wrapping his arms around his mate's prone form. "This bed's big enough for two." He said, pulling Genesis over onto his chest, smiling faintly as she adjusted herself on top of her new mattress.

Rylan closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth curling up as he watched the pair for a few moments, before heading upstairs to find his own mate.


Cold bedsheets.

That was what Finn woke to, much to his dismay. Genesis was no longer by his side. In fact, she was no longer in the room full stop. "Finar?!" He called, worry lining his voice as he pulled himself off the hospital bed, not caring about his dishevelled appearance as a familiar Elder burst through the door, concern written across his expression.

"What's wrong?"

"Where is she?" He asked, running a hand through his tangled locks as Finar gestured for him to follow.

"She's with my mate." He said, guiding the distraught Alpha to the tearoom. "Silver found her early this morning."

"Is she OK?!"

"Physically, yes. Mentally, another story entirely." He sighed, pushing open the door, revealing Genesis and tow other women sitting on the cushion on the large window sill. "Fae..." He called, beckoning over the pink-haired woman. "Silver." His eyes met her silvery ones. "You should probably go and find Riley... You know how much he enjoys your company."

Riley chose that moment to appear in the doorway, skidding to a stop as he spotted the scene in front of him. "Ah." He glanced between the pair. "I guess they need some alone time..."

"That'd probably be best." Finar nodded, watching as the other Elder went and threw his own mate over his shoulder, striding back towards the door swiftly.

Finn's hand stopped him from leaving, his downcast gaze making him pause. "What do I do...?" His whispered words made him close his eyes.

"Just throw her over your shoulder and carry her off to your room." Riley chimed, following his own advice. "That always works for me when we have our little disagreements." He said, glancing fondly at his mate as he waited in the doorway.

"Pft." Finar rolled his eyes, not missing the blush staining Silver's cheeks. "Don't do that." He said, pushing him gently forwards. "Just be yourself."

And with that said, the four of them left, closing the door gently behind them.

Finn bit his lip, wandering to his mate's side, sitting down next to her, simply watching as she stared out across the grounds of Stonewall Castle. His hand inched towards hers, a blush staining his cheeks as he finally grabbed her hand, holding it in his. "How many ways are there to tell you I'm sorry...?" He sighed, his shoulders sinking when she didn't even bother to acknowledge him. "I didn't know... and it's my fault. I should never have slept with you." He froze. "Wait- I didn't mean it like that!" He stuttered, stumbling over his words, blinking in confusion when her head buried itself in his shoulder all of a sudden. "I- I'm-... It's OK." He whispered finally, wrapping his arms around her as her face of stone finally broke, tears cascading down her face like a waterfall. "You're OK..."

Her voice sounded for the first time in days, and the words broke his heart. "I'm sorry."

"Tch." He scowled. "There's nothing to be sorry for. I was an idiot..."

"I'm sorry."

Shoulders sunk, his heart pounding as he climbed to his feet, pulling her up onto her own as he strode towards the door, his mind made up. "We're going out."


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